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1/1 - Ok, so this is going to be a trans oneshot. I'm not going into detail, Oikawa has had top and bottom surgery, the school still allows him to play volleyball with the boys, but no one knows. Female to male, obviously. Yeah that's it.

3rd POV

Chestnut colored hair, brown eyes, average height, slender build, dimples, a competitive smile, captain of the volleyball team, a setter everyone relied on. Oikawa Tooru. He was the light of the volleyball team, always there to win without hesitation, always ready for the challenge tomorrow would bring, being the crazy captain he is. Despite this he had a secret, a secret no one yet knew of. A secret that scared the death out of him.

A secret that could very well decide whether or not people would treat him the same if it got out..


Oikawa waited for everyone to leave before he finally took off his volleyball t-shirt. He wasn't all too ashamed of how he looked, he had his top surgery months ago, followed by his bottom surgery, but whenever someone asked about the scars he felt impossibly self conscious. He enjoyed avoiding the topic of his scars all together.

School started in minutes, so Oikawa threw on the binder he had, along with a school uniform. He didn't need the binder anymore, people would likely think him crazy if he ever outright said he wore a binder still, but it gave him clarity somehow. He felt better knowing there was something covering his scars under his clothes.

The brunette sighed and slung his bag over his shoulder, walking out of the club room.

There waiting, was Iwaizumi. Expected but Oikawa still happily smiled and waved.

"Iwa-chan!" He called out excitedly.

Iwaizumi looked up and grunted as Oikawa practically jumped on him. "Yeah yeah, if you take as long next time I won't wait for you." Hajime promised.

Oikawa backed up so he wasn't tackling Iwaizumi and nodded. They walked to the main school building together, Oikawa ranting about normal things and Iwaizumi grunting every few minutes to show he was half way listening.

"And that's why aliens are real!" Oikawa happily exclaimed.

Iwaizumi gave him a weird look. "Godzilla, idiot." He grumbled.

"Huh? Why Godzilla? I said aliens Iwa-chan!" Oikawa complained, opening the door for Iwaizumi who continued walking.

"Godzilla is better." Hajime clarified briefly.

Oikawa pouted but was interrupted from saying anything as he was roughly pushed into the lockers of his left. Hajime looked up angrily.

"What was that for?" Iwaizumi asked, helping Oikawa up.

The random jerk of a guy sneered and nodded towards Oikawa angrily.

"Stay away from my girl." They growled. "Fucking fag, it's a sin for girls to like girls you know."

Oikawa's heart stopped.

He couldn't move.

He couldn't think.

He couldn't- he couldn't-

"You have the wrong person man. Oikawa isn't a girl." Iwaizumi protested, pulling Oikawa away from the scene.

The random teenager quickly grabbed Oikawa and spun the pair around so Oikawa's back was slammed into the locker again, the third year holding him by the collar. They were attracting quite a large crowd at this point and Oikawa just wanted to get out before everyone knew- before Iwaizumi knew. 

"I used to envy you until I figured it out. You aren't who you say you are. Just a girl in hiding." The person bitched on and on.

"I-I'm sorry.. I believe you have the wrong person." Oikawa said hesitantly, side eyeing Iwaizumi. He was giving Oikawa a weird look. Oikawa understood why, someone coming up out of no where claiming that Oikawa is a girl when Iwaizumi had known Oikawa since they were 10. He had always been a boy at heart, so that's who Iwaizumi knew.

"Oikawa Taylor, right?" Oikawa froze. How does he play this off?

"That's my sister." Oikawa said.

Yeah yeah, of course Tooru. 'That's my sister-' fucking idiot! Hajime knows I don't have a fucking sister!

"Sister, my ass. Why don't you tell everyone? You shouldn't be so as shamed you know. Or maybe you're doing this for the boy's attention. So you can play volleyball with them and change with them without the boys knowing. Hm?" The douchebag asked rhetorically.

"I seriously th-think you have the wrong p-person.." Oikawa stuttered, his breath speeding up slightly.

Before the jerk of a third year could go on, Iwaizumi roughly pulled Oikawa away from the lockers, giving the male a dirty glare. The crowd dispersed quickly along with the guy that picked the fight in the first place.

Iwaizumi looked down at Oikawa who was shaking slightly was the pressure of his secret being said like that out of the open for anyone to hear, his knees going weak. Oikawa was just waiting for the cherry on top of his bad day- Iwaizumi being disgusted and pushing him away.

"C'mon Tooru. Let's go home." Iwaizumi said, helping the brunette stand.

Oikawa's eyes went wide slightly, his breathing shaky.


Oikawa knew Iwaizumi wasn't stupid. There was no way Oikawa's blatant lies got past Iwaizumi.

"I said let's go home, idiot." Iwaizumi repeated, grabbing Oikawa's bag along with his own.

Technically they still had the entire day of classes and other school stuff in general but Iwaizumi figured Oikawa would want a little break.

"B-but.." Oikawa couldn't even spit out the reason why he thought Iwaizumi hated him now.

Iwaizumi looked back at him with a playful look. "What? Did you really think I didn't know? We grew up together for gods sake. I've seen your baby pictures multiple times. I grew up with your mum telling me everything because you wouldn't. I just didn't know your dead name was Taylor, that's all." Iwaizumi said simply, shrugging.

Oikawa's eyes went wide yet again. "Y-you.. you kn-knew?"

Iwaizumi laughed again. "Come on dork, I'm not waiting all day."

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