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1/1 - This is more of an AU I suppose, not much volleyball mentioned and Atsumu and Sakusa attend the same school.

3rd POV

Sakusa took a shaky breath, putting the cleaning supplies down and keeping himself from impulsively disinfecting his room for the third time that day.

He had a lot of time to think during winter break. Sakusa knew it before, he wouldn't make good boyfriend material. But somehow Atsumu chose to look past that. They got together, they became closer and closer, and Atsumu had no problem abiding by Sakusa's rules.

But Sakusa wanted so terribly to be better for Atsumu. He wanted to stop cleaning so much. He wanted to be able to walk into a store normally. He wanted to be able to brush by someone on accident without having a miniature panic attack as soon as he got home.

And so Sakusa started his plan during winter break. He cut down his disinfecting to once a day (or tried to). Sakusa volunteered to go to the store for groceries. The ravenette even invited Atsumu over more often, trying to work up the nerve to take off his mask when Atsumu was near.

But that wasn't enough. He wasn't changing all that much.

So instead, he pushed himself further. Instead of him trying to become better for Atsumu, this was more torturing for himself.

He went to Atsumu's house without disinfecting Atsumu's room first. He wore clothing that had only been washed one time instead of 3. He took 1 shower a day instead of 4.

Sakusa's anxiety about the situation caught up with him more times then not. Sakusa caught himself fearing to lay in his bed or open his dresser because it hadn't been cleaned properly. Sakusa found that he didn't want to eat anymore because the anxiety was so stomach churning.

But Atsumu seemed so much happier now, so Sakusa continued.

School started back up again and Sakusa participated in everything; sometimes he didn't even wear gloves.

More times than not he felt like throwing up, but then he saw Atsumu's bright smile. Brighter than it ever has been.

That's right, that's why he was doing this. It would all be worth it in the end.


Sakusa shakily exited his room, no mask on. Today was the day he was forcing the extreme. He wanted Atsumu to be proud. Sakusa bets Atsumu would be so proud if he made it the whole day without his mask.

Even walking around his house, he was hesitant to sit places, jumpy when someone was near him, and felt his stomach churn when he saw the dust particles in the air.

Sakusa hadn't power cleaned the house in two weeks and it made him want to cry.

But this is for Tsumu. It'll all be worth it.

He just had to remind himself.

Sakusa made it to the kitchen, his mother making breakfast. She found him standing there quickly.

"Oh honey, you forgot your mask. And come take your anxiety meds. The doctor said once a day and I know you haven't been taking them at night." His mother instructed, getting out plates for everyone's freshly cooked omelets.

Sakusa shook his head. "N-no. I'm o-ok."

His voice cracked several times. Without the protective layer his mask gave him, he was left breathing the — possible polluted — air.

His mother eyed him suspiciously. "Mhm, well I dropped by the store last night on my way home from work. I got some new cleaning supplies in your bathroom upstairs for when you need them. Omelet, sweetie?" His mother asked.

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