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1/1 - Haven't done one of these in a while. *note sarcasm lol*

3rd POV

Akaashi's breathing was erratic, his heart beating so fast he thought it might explode. He was shaky and couldn't even stand without falling.

This.. was a normal day for him.

Wake up, eat, go to school, let his anxiety take over for hours, have constant panic attack and mental breakdowns, and go to sleep from exhaustion.

It's been like that ever since Bokuto stopped hanging out with him. Well, more accurately, Bokuto was the one who helped Akaashi through his anxiety attacks, but lately Bokuto hadn't been around. Akaashi rarely saw him at practice and it was a coincidence if they ever ran into each other during school.

Akaashi grabbed at his button up shirt as if that was the very thing constricting his normal breathing patterns.

While Bokuto was gone, so many things had caught up with him.

His mother was in the hospital, sick. That's how it had been all his life. It's what drove him into such a cold state in the first place. It would give him so much panic every time she was admitted into the hospital because she had collapsed again, knowing one day when she collapsed it would be for real.

Bokuto knew about this. Bokuto was the one person who kept him from going insane over the thoughts of his mother leaving him. Bokuto was also the one who visited the hospital with him so he would keep his composure.

With Bokuto not there, he didn't have the guts to visit the hospital. Didn't even have the courage to answer his mother's texts and calls. The only way she knew he was alive was him going home and his father seeing him every day.

Akaashi let himself slide down the - no doubt - germ infested bathroom wall until he was sitting on the ground, gasping for air. Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes and his composure dropped completely.

He was lucky it was lunch time now, no one actually came to the bathroom during lunch.

Akaashi let his fingers weave through his hair, tugging at his slightly.

"B-B-Bokuto-s-san.." Akaashi choked out.

He wanted nothing more than to have Bokuto next to him, calming him down. He tried to imagine it but Akaashi couldn't think right now. He tried to do the breathing techniques Bokuto always walked him through but Akaashi couldn't do it without Bokuto next to him, counting.

Akaashi heard the door open and a group of laughing third years entered the bathroom, stopping when they noticed the second year gasping for air on the ground.

One of them snickered. "Isn't that Akaashi Keiji?" He asked.

"Who bro?" The second asked, having heard the name somewhere. It seemed familiar..

"You know, Akaashi. The cool hearted, hard witted setter from our boys volleyball team." The third of the group said immediately.

Akaashi didn't recognize any of the voice which seemed to topped off his anxiety attack with a cherry on top. The three stood there, laughing and watching as he broke down, unable to get a handle on his breathing or a proper grip on reality.

One decided to be a dick, kicking Akaashi in the side so he fell out. That messed up his already terrible breathing patterns. He wasn't his normal self when things went like this, he had no control over his thoughts or his feelings. He couldn't stand up for himself. That's why Bokuto was always so protective of Akaashi when in this state- he was so fragile and vulnerable. Bokuto felt it was his job to take care of Akaashi when he was like this.

Akaashi quickly covered his face as the kicks continued, gradually speeding up with a greater force. The black haired setter, now also being attacked by the students of his school, choking on his breath and sobs of pain.

"Just wait until we tell everyone what the great Akaashi Keiji is really like." The first said again, laughing as his kicks continued.

The other two backed off, the second one hitting the third lightly.

"Dude, you should total get this on video so we have proof." He said.

The third took out his phone and immediately started recording the real Akaashi. The fact only caused Akaashi to sob louder.

A downright animalistic growl sounded from the door of the bathroom and the two who weren't kicking Akaashi turned around, finding the one third year everyone knew not to mess with.

"B-B-Bokuto.." One stuttered.

"Hand over the phone." Bokuto said demandingly, extending his hand out so the pathetic bully could put the phone there.

The phone was in Bokuto's possession seconds later and the two were scampering out. By now, the third had stopped kicking Akaashi and was facing Bokuto with a smug look.

"You really want.. that as your friend." The douche said, pointing to the hyperventilating setter.

Bokuto threw the first punch, not giving himself a second to think of the consequences.

"Get the fuck out." He growled.

You didn't have to tell the male twice. It took all of 2 seconds for the bathroom to only be occupied by Akaashi and Bokuto. Bokuto locked the door to the bathroom so no one else could come in and quickly kneeled at Akaashi's side. Bokuto's strong arms wrapped around Akaashi, the raven haired male immediately melting at the touch.

"I'm so sorry Keiji, this was all my fault. I shouldn't have left you alone for so long." Bokuto whispered, soothingly rubbing Akaashi's back. "I'll never do it again, I promise."

Akaashi grabbed onto Bokuto's shirt with as much force as he could and sobbed into his chest. This was the only time Akaashi ever saw Bokuto so calm and serious. Bokuto said he hated being serious because it made him look old, and yet he had no problem being serious when it was Akaashi they were talking about.

"I was thinking over some things while I was gone." Bokuto whispered, taking his hand through Akaashi hair. "You want to know what I was thinking about?"

Akaashi shakily nodded his head.

"I think I'm in love with you, Akaashi."

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