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TW: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self harm

3rd POV

KoKo: Can you come over now please?

Akaashi looked down at his phone immediately as it rung with a new notification. It was one of two people that Akaashi had to always keep an eye on. Bokuto, or his boyfriend. Those are the only two that ever text him.

Not that it was a burden, he loved his boyfriend and his best friend.

He was glad it was Kenma this time.

Akaashi Keiji: Of course my love, did you take your meds this morning?

Akaashi stuck his phone in his pocket. He grabbed his keys - he had only just gotten his license and his mother's permission to drive her car because he was so responsible - and wallet.

He knew whenever Kenma wanted him to come over at odd times of the day, it was one of three reasons.

1) Kenma needed support and/or reassurance.

2) Kenma's anxiety was acting up. (In the middle of a panic attack or on the brink of one)

3) Kenma's depression was acting up.

Akaashi found out quite a while ago that when Kenma wanted him to come over, whether it be at 9 pm, midnight, or 4 am, he best do it.

He stopped by the kitchen, sifting through the snack drawer Akaashi kept for emergencies. It was usually used for Bokuto when he needed a night of comfort and Kuroo and Hinata weren't free. But he knew Kenma loved Funyuns, mini chocolate donuts, and coke. He didn't hesitate to store some of Kenma's favorites as well.

With hands full of things that would calm Kenma down, Akaashi loaded into his mother's SUV. He put the key in the ignition and waited in park for a second so the engine could warm up.

It was winter after all.

He fastened his coat properly and took out his phone again.

KoKo: No, mom said she would go to get more after work. We ran out yesterday.

Akaashi frowned at the response. When Kozume didn't take his medication, he tended to lose himself in his thoughts. Akaashi had seen it twice, and the outcome was horrific if Akaashi wasn't there fast enough.

Akaashi Keiji: I'm coming right now ok? Can I call you?

Akaashi put his phone on the magnet resting thingy his mom had ok the middle console and backed out of the drive way. Akaashi knew the way to Kenma's house by heart. It was roughly a 10 minute drive.

7 if Akaashi 'didn't know the speed limit'.

Without a text response from Kenma, Akaashi's screen lit up with contact information. Kenma was already calling him.

Akaashi reached over with one had, flicking his eyes back and forth between the road and the phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Good afternoon, my love."

Another thing Akaashi learned a long time ago. If Kenma wanted to talk about what was wrong, he would bring it up himself. Until then, Akaashi needed to act as normal as possible so to sooth Kenma, in a way.

"Sorry.. i-it's so l..late.." Kenma whispered through the line, his voice quiet and hard to hear as Akaashi continued to drive on the busy roads.

"No problem dear. I wasn't doing anything special."

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