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1/1 - Prewritten chapter

3rd POV

Yaku breathed out, huffing as he saw his breath in front of him. Winter was one of his least favorite times, his limbs were always stiff from the cold which made it harder to practice.

He pulled the scarf further over his nose, warming him up slightly. Practicing at night was stupid, and he was going against his own advice, but he felt like he wasn't achieving much due to the cold recently.

He grabbed the key from his pocket, only to find the door to the gym already open slightly, the warm light seeping through. Yaku frowned, his mind immediately going to robber. Then he heard the smack of a ball hitting the ground and a grunt of pain. No robber would come just to play volleyball.

Yaku peaked his head through the door, finding the person he least expected to be in the gym, practicing volleyball. The silver haired giant looked in pain, both hands red after spiking, serving, and blocking balls after hitting them against the wall. Yaku watched for almost 30 minutes, forgetting about the cold entirely. Every time Lev messed up, he didn't complain. He got up and tried again.

Yaku nodded in respect, walking away. That was Lev's time to practice. Yaku would respect that.


Yaku continued to go to the gym at night, every night he found the lights on and the door slightly cracked open. For the past few days Yaku had taken more time to notice Lev at practice. It made sense why he always had his hands wrapped and why he was always tired in the morning.

Besides that nothing changed. Lev was still his obnoxious, curious self who always wanted to learn more. And Yaku had to take a liking to the fact that Lev was trying so hard even if he was doing it in private.

Yaku put on his heavy coat and scarf again, heading towards the school. It was only minutes away so the walk was no problem. He wasn't surprised anymore when he saw the lights on and the door open yet again.

He was surprised when he noticed that there wasn't any smacks of volleyballs hitting the floors or grunts of exhaustion like Yaku was used to. Yaku peaked his head through the door, his eyes going wide.

There one the ground was Lev, crying as he nursed his hand to his chest.

Yaku rushed in and kneeled by Lev.

"Lev, Lev what's going on? Are you hurt?" Yaku asked frantically.

Lev looked down at Yaku, tears of pain and fear and sadness falling at the same time.

"I just w-w-wanted to be b-better! I just want to-to be better!" Lev yelled, folding in on himself, his right hand still being carefully held against his chest. "Why c-can't I get b-b-better?!"

Yaku looked up at Lev in distress. If he had known Lev was trying this hard he would've gone easier on the poor first year.

Yaku sighed and stood, walking over to the supply closet and quickly finding the first aid kit. He walked back to Lev and sat next to him again.

"Let me see your hand, Lev." Yaku said softly, holding out his own hand. He knew Lev was expecting harsh words of discouragement or criticism, he had never seen the caring side of Yaku before.

Lev gave Yaku access to his right hand, sobbing into his left. He just wanted to get better, he wanted to be better for the team when Kuroo and Yaku and all the other third years had to leave. He didn't want to be the one the team babied because he wasn't good enough. He wanted to get better..! And now here he was, his right hand hurting more than it had all month and worrying Yaku with his problems.

Yaku's sigh brought Lev from his thoughts.

"I don't think it's broken, nor sprained. I think it's a tear but I'm not be sure. You should get it checked out Lev." Yaku said, wrapping all of Lev's finger together before covering the rest of his hand in the secure bandage.

Yaku looked up, finding Lev still crying. Something told Yaku this was more than just his hurt hand. The shorter of the two scooted forward towards the crying teen, lifting his face gently.

"It's ok Lev, you're new to this and you're learning fast." Yaku said softly, smiling as he looked into both of Lev's eyes, switching back and forth between the two. "I-I'm proud of you.. Lev."

Lev sniffled and looked Yaku in the eye, trying to determine if he was lying or not. When Lev could tell for certain that Yaku was being serious he swooped forward and captured Yaku's lips with his own.

Yaku tensed, but quickly relaxed. He hadn't even realized this was something he had wanted for a long time.

"You're proud of me?" Lev asked hopefully. Yaku couldn't help but coo as the vulnerable look on Lev's face as he completely opened up to the shorter of the two.

Yaku smiled and gave Lev another quick kiss. "Always have been, Lev. You work hard and that's what's important. Now let's get you to a doctor and we'll go from there."

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