•IwaOi - KinKuni - HanaMattsun - KyoYaha•

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1/1 - Sensitive content such as protests, riots, and talks of corrupted police.

This oneshot is solely my opinion on the matter and state of the USA right now. If you don't like it, please do not leave a comment about it. Just leave. Thank you.

(I'm aware Haikyuu takes place in Japan - but for the sake of it, pretend they were moved to America when they became police officers. ((They are still Japanese.)))

3rd POV

"I know it's tough you guys," Oikawa's lecture had been going on for almost 10 minutes now, so he decided to end off on a high note. "But we all decided to become officers, to enter this profession because we want to help people. I'm aware of what's been going on lately, we just need to power through. Helping people is always number one."

Everyone broke into groups. After having been reinvestigated and reevaluated whether the officers were actually a right fit for their job, the station's workers had been cut in half by the amount of people who didn't pass proper testing.

Some were too violent, some corrupted, some had made inappropriate comments on social media. It didn't matter how big or small, Oikawa fired them with the slightest hint of racism, discrimination, and any other big violation.

"Officers Kunimi, Kindaichi, Yahaba, Kyotani, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, and Iwaizumi. Please report to my office ASAP." Oikawa called out before walking back into the closed office space and shutting the door.

He opened the blinds and looked out the window. Even from where he was sitting, the riots and destruction of the city was clear.

Faintly he heard the opening of his office door as he stared out at the city. With such a deduction of officers in the station, they didn't have as many people to watch the streets and take care of violent rioters. They were in a tight situation.

"Captain, you wanted to see us?"

Oikawa sighed and turned away from the window, so he was facing the seven officers he had called for.

"I need friends right now. Shut up and listen." Oikawa demanded.

"How quickly you revert back to your high school ways, captain." Yahaba quipped jokingly.

Oikawa smiled at the attempt of his friend making him feel better. "Am I doing this right? God, I feel like recently nothing has been going right. Riots are getting worse, we're doing officers daily, people are resorting to violence. How do we stop this?"

Iwaizumi was the first to show any indication that he was listening. He moved forward and sat in Oikawa's desk chair, allowing Oikawa to sit in his lap.

"You, my dear, are one of the most natural born leaders I know. That, and a jerk, but we can talk about that later. I have no doubt you are leading us to a peaceful victory." Iwiazumi assured.


"Not to mention," Hanamaki spoke next, sitting on top of Oikawa's desk. "You were the one who officially stated that we were reevaluating our officers. You were the one who made sure any corrupted or violent cops were gone for sure. Even if you are dumb, that was good on you."


"And as much I hate to admit it, I've never had a better captain." Kunimi spoke next, his head on Kindaichi's shoulder like it always was. "But you're also the only captain I've had so that may be a miscalculation on my part."


"Besides, why the hell would you be our captain now if we thought you incompetent. We'd have thrown a mutiny by now." Kyotani added helpfully.

Oikawa sighed happily, "Thank you for not adding an underlying insult-"

"Even though you are kinda lazy. But not incompetent." Kyotani added thoughtfully. Yahaba and Mattsun hummed in agreement and Hanamaki chose to outright laugh at the comment.

"Oh my god." Oikawa said flatly. Nevertheless he laughed, and that's all he needed, was a good laugh to help his relax. He knew he could always count on his former squad.

"Captain-" Oikawa's secretary ran into the room, and if she had anything to say about the scene in front of her, she kept her mouth closed. "There's been another call. The downtown grocery store has been inviting those affected by the riots inside to provide shelter and food, and above all, a job. People caught wind and-"

"They didn't like that, did they?" Oikawa asked, and the woman nodded. "Alright, thank you. We'll get on it."

The woman nodded and left.

"Alrighty boys, let's get it to it."

"You taste in humor is disgusting and needs to stop." Iwaizumi said, pushing Oikawa off his lap.


I just want to point out quite a few things that have been bothering me with this society and the way we think about things lately. (I am a bit late, but better late than never - especially when it's still going on.)

ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards. Recently cops have been in the spotlight and are finally being rightfully fired for the death of innocent black men and women. However, just because quite a few cops are bad, that does not mean all cops are bad. There are still good, hard working people out there who really do enjoy making the world a better place, and for people to hate them when they have done nothing to provoke that hate is wrong. Yes, there a black people, men and women, children and such, who are wrongfully accused, who are wrongfully killed or murdered, but there are also bad people who happen to have black skin color. That does not mean all black people are bad, nor does it mean all black people are innocent. White men and women alike are also not all good, there are robbers and thief's that just happen to have a lighter skin tone. That does not mean all white people are bad, that does not mean all white people are good.

Putting people into these categories (cops are bad, white people are racist, black people are violent) does nothing to solve what the world is going through.

I'm sorry if this isn't what you want to here, but it doesn't matter what skin tone you are. There is always going to be bad people in the world, as well as good people in the world. Is has nothing to do with what profession, or ethnicity you are.

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