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1/1 - I don't know how this will go so buckle the seatbelts. Platonic AkaKen

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️: Mentions of suicide, death, etc.

3rd POV

"Hey it's Bokuto! Sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now!-"

"Bokuto-san who are you talking to?"

"I was recording my voicemail Akaashi~"

The voicemail Bokuto had set up ended and there was a beep where Akaashi was to start talking. Instead he put his phone down, not having the emotional stability to listen to the voicemail again- to Bokuto's voice again.

Akaashi had been living in the world of darkness for what felt like ages. The lights had been turned off, smothered by the hands of death. Why? Because Bokuto was his light. And now, Bokuto was gone.

The ravenette had a hard time grasping that Bokuto was never coming back from the sleep he was in now.

Some nights he woke up gasping for air as the crash happened all over again in his mind.. sometimes he didn't sleep at all..

Akaashi was utterly recked. He couldn't remember a single time he had gone without Bokuto for so long. Now here he was sitting in his room as dark as the night around him. Usually Bokuto was here to get Akaashi out of his thoughts, but now Akaashi was left with the never ending pit of bad memories and conversations with himself. Bokuto hadn't been ready to die. Bokuto wanted to see the world, wanted to have kids and live his life out with Akaashi so they could always go through everything together. He wanted to travel and scuba dive- he was barely out of high school for gods sake!

Bokuto hadn't died upon impact either. Akaashi had sat in the car, both young adults on deaths door, and Akaashi had to listen.. listen as Bokuto sobbed in fear of closing his eyes for the last time.

"I don't want to die Akaashi! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!"


"I'm not!"

Akaashi had only been half awake at the time. It was a nasty crash. They had been swerved off the road after trying to avoid a drunk driver. They ended up hitting a ditch and their car had flipped over and upside down. Akaashi was hit in the head, bleeding pretty badly, he was almost out cold immediately. But Bokuto had been impaled by a piece of the exterior part of the car. It went straight through his torso.

Akaashi had been told that Bokuto had so much extra adrenaline that he had been awake till the second he was gone. Akaashi was also told that Bokuto shouldn't have been able to talk at all during that time, the metal being so far lodged into his torso.

"I can't do it 'Kaashi! I know I said I would be like the heroes in the movies when my time came but I didn't want it to be so soon!"


Akaashi hadn't ever really passed out during the time they were flipped in the ditch, only slightly out of it.

Akaashi ended up in a coma for days before he was finally brought back. When he woke, he was surrounded by sorrowful faces of friends, family, and doctors alike.

"I'm sorry sir. Bokuto Kōtarō has already passed. There was nothing we could do. His ribs were shattered and impaling important organs, not to mention the metal itself going through his right lung. He didn't even seem to realize the pain he should've been in."

The worst part? Bokuto was left to die without Akaashi by his side, helping him through it. Akaashi had never felt worse in his life.

"P-please Akaashi.. please! We were supposed to get m-married and have k-kids! I'm n-not r-eady!"

Akaashi's hand immediately found his phone, calling the only person he ever called anymore. It was something he had been doing for the past month, in order to keep himself in check he had to talk to someone who understood loss like he did.

Kenma was that person.

It took Kenma less that milliseconds to answer the phone and immediately ask Akaashi if everything was ok. Kenma knew how all of this worked. After loosing his parents and Kuroo in a mountain biking incident, he understood the feeling of never wanting to live without your loved one/ones. But that was a long time ago and Kenma was doing better. He understood that Kuroo would not want him to be sad. So instead Kenma stopped playing video games all the time and actually pursued volleyball as a career for Kuroo.

Akaashi wasn't anywhere near that level of moving on yet.

"I-I ca-can't do it Kenma- I c-can't- I d-d-don't want to-to b-be here with-without h-him! It's ter-rible! I h-h-hate it-it here! I w-want hi-him ne-xt to m-me- l-like h-he us-used to b-be! I want to-to go w-with hi-him!" Akaashi sobbed through the line with the phone on speaker next to him with the razor in his hand.

Almost immediately Akaashi heard shuffling on the other side of the line but he didn't listen. He just wanted to build up the courage to slit his wrists in one quick motion. He just wanted to go to Bokuto again.

At the same time he wanted Kenma to save him from doing this before it was too late.. before Akaashi killed himself.

"Akaashi, listen to me ok? That's all you have to do."

Kenma's soothing voice came through the speaker.

"I know how hard it is and I know what it feels like to want to be with him up there, but you were the one who talked me out of that. You were the one who told me that killing myself does nothing. It wouldn't make them happy. You know as well as I do that if he knew what you were doing he would be heart broken."

Akaashi heard the sound of a door opening and in walked Kenma. They were only apartments apart and each had a key to the other apartment for emergencies like this. Kenma hung up and walked over to the bed calmly, pulling the blade away before Akaashi had the chance.

"No, Akaashi." Kenma said sternly, looking at the little scab Akaashi had from pressing the blade against his skin.

Akaashi leaped towards Kenma, hugging him. He sobbed into Kenma's shoulder, no doubt getting his hoodie wet with tears and snot. Akaashi just wanted the pain to stop.. he just wanted it to all fade away.

Kenma took a deep breath, demonstrating the way Akaashi should be breathing.

"Bokuto is watching over you right now.." Kenma said confidently.

That was the one thought that got Kenma through everyday life, the fact that Kuroo is looking down on him. Watching as he went to nationals every year for him, watching as he visited Kuroo's grave every evening he could for him, watching as Kenma continued to live a happy life for him.

"He's looking down at you right now and he's relieved that you didn't do it."


"Damn right I am." Bokuto breathed out, leaning against Kuroo for support.

That was the most terrifying experience he had ever gone through and he had literally died. Akaashi killing himself was a fear he didn't realize he had.

Kuroo smiled proudly, looking down at his beautiful kitten.

"That's my Kozume."

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