
565 13 9

1/1 - Heyo

3rd POV

Bokuto pulled out the food he had made from the oven, turning everything off and placing his freshly made meal on the counter in front of Akaashi.

You see, this was his first time baking or cooking or even being within 10 feet of an open oven. He was way overly excited. Of course Akaashi's as carefully eyeing him from the bar stool he was sitting on, but in the end everything was relatively ok.

"Akaashi! I finished! Look!" Bokuto pointed to the pan of.. Akaashi didn't really know what it was.

"What did you make Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked politely, sitting up and putting down his book.

Bokuto's hair fell and he pouted. "Does it not look like lasagna?" He asked like a child.

Akaashi was quick to reassure. He hopped down from the bar stool and walked around the bar so he was next to Bokuto.

"Of course it does baby. I haven't had lasagna in a long time so I just didn't know. It looks great. How about we have a plate right now?" Akaashi offered, kissing Bokuto on the forehead.

"B-but I made it just for you Akaashi~" Bokuto pouted, his posture slouching and his hair falling even further.

Akaashi kissed Bokuto for real this time and dished up a plate of the alien looking food.

"Good thing I'm hungry." Akaashi commented softly, grabbing his fork. He took a deep breath and put a decent sized bite of the 'lasagna' in his mouth. He chewed slowly, as it was slightly burnt. He tried to get around the dry parts but it all seemed over cooked. At the same time, certain parts were chewy like they weren't completely cooked.

"What do you think Akaashi?!" Bokuto asked excitedly.

Akaashi took a second to swallow and smiled warmly.

"Is there chicken in this?" He asked.

He didn't know what it was, but it had a faint taste of chicken. Though he didn't know why chicken would be in lasagna in the first place.

Bokuto smiled excitedly, "No! Well yes technically, but we didn't have chicken so I used the duck we had in the freezer." He explained.

Akaashi's eyes widened and he quickly spit out what was in his mouth, running towards the nearest bathroom in the house.

"Wha?! Akaashi I thought you liked it!" Bokuto moped as he followed after Akaashi.

"O-oh! I did! I loved it!" Akaashi called back, all of a sudden very aware of his throat closing up. "It was delicious honey!"

"But you spit it out.."

"Oh did I! I must have been so excited to get another bite that the first bite just came right out!" Akaashi yelled, desperately lifting his shorts and stabbing himself with the epiPen. He took a deep breath of relief as he felt the swelling of his throat going down and the rashes on his arms go away.

Akaashi put the epiPen on the bathroom counter and rested his head in his hands. He knew he shouldn't have stored the duck meat for Kuroo. Of course Bokuto would forget his - verging on - severe allergy to duck.

Bokuto wandered into the bathroom seconds later and was quick to ask questions.

"Akaashi, what's wrong?" He asked, bringing Akaashi into his arms.

"N..nothing Bokuto-san. Just not feeling well is all." Akaashi said.

Bokuto immediately panicked. "Was it me?! Was it the lasagna?! If it was that bad you didn't have to eat it! I know I'm not the best cook or anything like that but-"

"Bokuto, it's ok. I'm just-"


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