•KenHina• Ft. BokuAka

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1/1 - Had to sneak some BokuAka in there for PlOt PuRpOsEs ;)
⚠️Warning⚠️ May suffer from severe heart ache from the amount of fluff.

3rd POV

"Ken..ma!" Hinata giggled on the bed, playing with his toys.

Kenma immediately switched off his PSP, ignoring the, no doubt, angry teammates, and turned to the age regressed boy.

"How's my baby doing?" Kenma cooed gently, accepting the hug that Hinata wanted.

When Hinata and Kenma first started dating, this was something neither did. Kenma wasn't the best at putting down his games or taking care of people and Hinata didn't like people seeing him vulnerable.

He started getting really stressed out near Nationals (you know, the one Oikawa didn't go to) and Kenma went searching for something to make him feel better. Stumbling across age regression, he was genuinely interested. He confronted Hinata and Hinata had admitted that he had been looking into it recently himself.

Hinata found he was at his best when he was regressed, feeling stress free. Even when he woke up the next day, he always felt better. Kenma was there with him through it all, which made Hinata feel better about Kenma being his caregiver.

It was stressful sometimes, the anxiety of hiding it from people from fear of what they might think. But at the end of the day, Kenma's parents support his regression and understood completely, so Hinata knew he always had a place at his boyfriend's house.

"Pway wif me!" Hinata cheered, throwing his hands up in excitement.

Kenma hummed and kissed Hinata's forehead. "What are we playing, Shōyō?" He asked, raking his hands through Hinata's hair. Hinata was always one for affection but when he wasn't given constant attention and love while regressed, he had a fit. Kenma learned that the hard way.

"I wanna pway dwess up!" Hinata exclaimed excitedly, jumping off of Kenma and scrambling to Kenma's closet as fast as he could at the mental age of 4.

They had learned quickly that Hinata took a liking to 'girls' clothes. Things like skirts and dresses were very appealing to him. He would never admit it and certainly never go out and shop for anything, so Yamaguchi did it for him. They - meaning Yamaguchi and Tsukishima - were the only other couple who knew of Hinata's regression. Purely accidental, but they were very supportive.

"Mm? Dress up? How about you be the beautiful princess and I'll be your prince?" Kenma asked.

He walked over to the closet and looked to the Halloween costumes Hinata wouldn't let him throw away.

Kenma didn't enjoy cross dressing quite as much as his boyfriend. It was fun from time to time, but not really his thing.

Kenma helped Hinata into his white long sleeved crop top and orange skirt, tucking the excess of the shirt into the skirt. He let Hinata pick out what was next, apparently white thigh high socks.

"Anything else, princess?" Kenma asked, looking his boyfriend up and down once. He wasn't perverted but when Hinata wore clothes like this he looked.. extra cute.

"Do I look pwetty?!" Hinata asked excitedly.

Kenma smiled and grabbed the toy crown they had, placing it atop Hinata fluffy hair. "You always look pretty, Shōyō."

Kenma grabbed for the prince Halloween costume but stopped when he heard the doorbell ring. He set the costume on his bed and kissed Hinata's forehead.

"Do you need me to put you in your crib so you won't get into anything?" Kenma asked. It was also a well known fact between the two that when Kenma wasn't there, Hinata let his curiosity take over and he was always getting into Kenma's things. Not that Kenma minded, he was always completely open with Shōyō, but he drew the line when Hinata had accidentally broken one of his games.

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