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1/1 - this is not my best work (I don't know if Bokuto's mother was ever revealed so I made up a name for her)

3rd POV

Akaashi was overly filled with joy when he was finally discharged from the hospital. Being stuck in such a stuffy place with only the smell of chemicals gave him a constant headache. Not to mention Bokuto couldn't visit all too often because of school.

But today was different. Bokuto and his mother, Marcia, were outside the hospital waiting for him, because lord knows where Akaashi's parents are. Akaashi was extremely thankful for Bokuto's mother, she was the one paying the hospital bills and had been taking care of him ever since she found out Akaashi's parents were always away from home.

Marcia was great company. She had a work from home job so she could be with Kōtarō more often while still bringing home plenty of money for the family. More times than not, Marcia worked in the hospital room, just to keep Akaashi company. She would have her coffee mug and a blanket and would sit on the couch all day while going through calls and emails between her coworkers while occasionally complaining about how dumb some people can be.

It comforted Akaashi greatly.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto called out when Akaashi was within 5 feet of the car.

Akaashi smiled and opened his mouth, attempting to call back, only for nothing to come out. He quickly closed his mouth and looked down. He'd never get used to that, not being able to talk.

Previously, before being hospitalized, Akaashi sang. That's what he did to make a living. It wasn't the most enjoyable thing to him but his voice was angelic. It definitely earned him enough to keep a flat and survive on his own.

But Akaashi had a problem with overworking himself. Now, physically overworking your body is one thing. Overworking your vocal cords was something Akaashi was warned about from the beginning.

Did he listen?

Of course not. He needed the money and he had no problem dealing with his throat and chest pains every night.

When he lost his voice suddenly one day after waking up? Now that was a problem. Akaashi took the day off figuring, hey, his voice will comeback by tomorrow. It'll be fine.

It was not fine.

After days of barely being able to speak, his chest and throat hurting like hell, and having severe shortness of breath episodes, he went to a doctor. He had severely ruptured his vocal cords, to the point where it was harmful to the rest of his body.

The surgery was immediate in order to get his breathing back to normal. The only problem being, the surgery took away his ability to speak all together. Let alone sing.

He was left mute for the rest of his life.

"Akaashi," Bokuto spoke softly, reaching out to take Akaashi's hand, "it'll be alright, I promise."

Akaashi wanted to say something, maybe kiss Bokuto and thank him, or argue the fact that everything wouldn't be ok when he had lost the ability to speak all together. Instead he just nodded and accepted Bokuto's help into the Jeep.

"We're having stew tonight, the doctors said it's ok now that you're mostly healed. Mom said that you should come live with us now too." Bokuto spoke as they drove, knowing how uncomfortable silence was to Akaashi now that he couldn't fill it.

"It's just a thought honey," Marcia called from the front seat. "I don't think it's safe for such a young, handsome boy living alone in the bad part of town. We've got plenty of room, as long as you don't mind the twins running around the house, those rascals."

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