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1/1 - I don't generally do SugaxDaichi but I feel this chapter was necessary.

3rd POV

"Gentlemen and ladies- 2 ladies but that isn't the point," Suga greeted, standing up on a chair he grabbed from the supply closet.

"Suga," Kiyoko spoke up immediately. "That chair is practically ancient."

Suga waved her off. "I have gathered you all here today-"

"-it's volleyball practice, we were already here-"

"-to discuss a tragic matter. Shut up Tsukishima, no one cares." Suga smiled and continued. "It is about our captain. I believe he is sick, we should get him to the hospital."

Everyone was immediately alert at that.



"What's wrong with the old man?"

"Tsukki, be nice!"

"What about volleyball though?"

"But.. lunch is in a few hours. It's, like, the highlight of my day.."

"What's wrong?! What happened?"


"Ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

"Guys, guys! Allow Suga to explain what exactly is wrong with Daichi and then we can move on from there." Kiyoko calmed the crowd of boys, waving his hands gently to motion for them to stop jumping about (Hinata, Tanaka, Nishinoya).

Suga took a deep breath. "I got up this morning, ready to greet Daichi because we were having a sleep over-"

"Mhm. I'm sure lots of sleeping was involved."

"Tsukishima Kei!" Suga screeched immediately. "I swear to all higher power that I will walk over there and beat you with my shoe!"

"Yeah, Tsukki. Be nice!" Yamaguchi encouraged.

"Shut up Yamaguchi." Tsukishima growled.

Yamaguchi ducked his head, "Sorry Tsukki."

Suga took another dramatic deep breath and began telling his story again, "I woke up and planned to greet Daichi. But he was already up, eating candy. He has a major sweet tooth despite what he says. Anyways, he was eating a Kit Kat right? And-"

Daichi burst into the gym at that very moment, taking in the scene in front of him.

He looked towards Suga accusatorially. "Suga come on, you can't make a huge deal out of this." Daichi groaned.

Suga shook his head frantically.

"You already looked sick, pale and whatnot. That's what you get. Anyways, he was eating a Kit Kat and he was taking bites out of it."

"He wasn't!"

"They're called Kit Kat Bars for a reason!"

"Literally what is the point of life anymore?"


"What- the lines are literally the instructions- I-"

"Omg, he really does need a hospital!"


"911, hi, I have a possible murderer in the room with me- yeah, he was taking bites out of a Kit Kat Bar- ...... they hung up."

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