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3rd POV

"Bokuto-san, come on. We're going to be late if you keep stopping to get more ice cream." Akaashi reminded just as Bokuto stopped to get another ice cream cone.

Because if the ice cream cart was there, Bokuto had to get something otherwise he was being rude to the vendor. Yeah, that's how that worked.

"Hang on Akaashi, I've gotten you one this time too!" Bokuto called back, thanking the vendor as they handed him the ice cream, before putting quite a few dollars in the tip jar.

As Bokuto caught up to his with the ice cream cones, Akaashi shook his head. "I genuinely don't understand how you aren't running out of money." Akaashi stated as he took his vanilla cone from Bokuto in his left hand and Bokuto open hand in his right.

"My dad just hides money around the house. Like under the washer, behind a pile of trash. Tells me and my siblings that if we start doing chores we might find a bundle. Of course no one but me believed him so I've just got an extra 200 waiting around at home." Bokuto explained, taking a bite of his ice cream.

Akaashi's step faltered. "You did not seriously just take a bite of your ice cream."

Bokuto laughed and brought Akaashi into a side hug, kissing his gently. "You love me anyway." Bokuto promised.

"Uh- not anymore-"

"Excuse me?" A stranger's voice cut Akaashi off. At first he wasn't sure who they were talking to but then two men and a woman were in front of them.

Bokuto quickly straightened up, wrapping his arm around Akaashi and helping him stand up straight.

"Oh, are you lost?" Bokuto asked.

The man who originally called laughed gently, "No no, of course not. We actually live here. We just had a question for you."

The woman spoke up. "But like, if it's embarrassing or something like that then you don't even have to answer." She assured quickly.

Bokuto rose an eyebrow and licked his ice cream before carefully saying, "Ok..?"

The third person of the group spoke up. "We don't have a lot of information on gay relationships and whatnot, so we were just wondering which one of you is the girl in the relationship?"

Bokuto froze at the question, whether it was out of anger or shock or any other unidentified emotion, none in the group were sure. But, whereas Bokuto froze, Akaashi's face immediately fell into a scowl and a guttural sound left his lips.

"I don't think I heard you correctly," Akaashi chose to politely say, giving the group a chance to walk away before he went absolutely feral. "Come again?"

"Oh no problem," the same boy repeated. "I ask which one of you was the girl when it comes to se-"

"Yeah, I know what you asked." Akaashi snapped.

Bokuto, having come back to his senses, gently pulled at Akaashi's arm. "Why don't we go, Kaashi? Yeah? We were going to be late to our brunch with your parents. Remember?"

Nope, not a single word got through to Akaashi. There was no saving these people now, so Bokuto sighed and stepped back to sit on a bench, eating his ice cream and holding Akaashi's.

"I would just like for you to think about what an insensitive question you have just asked." Akaashi seethed. "Not only are you assuming that neither of us are asexual, transgender and uncomfortable with sex, or demisexual and working up to it. Not only are you assuming that we aren't just friends who are close, or even brothers. You're also stereotyping the shit out of gender's like a transphobia asshole!"

The first of the three opened their mouth, trying to speak.

"You," Akaashi cut him off. "Shut the hell up. Here's the first lesson of the LGBTQ+ community, don't ever even utter that question towards same sex couples. Ever."

"We were just-"

Akaashi's head whipped to the girl of the group. "You were just what? Assuming? Stereotyping? Putting certain people into certain categories based on their gender? You're putting so much pressure of people who happen to be dominant and also a girl. Or boys who happen to feel more comfortable being submissive. Or transgender people who don't act like the person they've become." Akaashi spat. "You're a girl! You've never once thought about how unwelcoming the society is to female leads? Dominant females? Females who'd rather have control because that's what they like?!"

The third and final of the group who had yet to be yelled at opened his mouth to speak but Akaashi was on him faster than he could start talking.

"But let's disregard all of that for a second. Let's put aside the fact that you've stereotyped three different categories of people and move onto the forth. Us. You are prying into our personal life with such a personal question, and then assuming that one of us has to be masculine and the other has to be smaller.

"Not to even fucking mention, we are barely of age?! We literally just turned 21!" Akaashi took a burrowing breath to get out the last point of his rant.

"And lastly, neither of us is the girl in the relationship, that's the entire fucking point! So fuck off with your goddamn question and I genuinely hope that if you ever ask this stupid, offensive question again, you get told off just the same!"

Bokuto hopped up with the bench and grabbed Akaashi's elbow again, both ice cream cones in his right hands. He nodded towards the stunned into silence group. "Have a good day." and then walked off with Akaashi right next to him so he didn't try to go back and continue to yell.

"You did great honey." Bokuto murmured, secretly proud of his boyfriend.

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