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"You're making this trip back, a bit boring," Nicholas told Adelaide, making her stop in her tracks.

"Forgive me, your highness-"

"I have a confession...I'm not really the prince."

The young woman looked up at him, disbelief written all over her face.

"I actually stole the gold chain and this whole outfit I am wearing." Adelaide's eyes widened in shock. She looked down at her feet.

"I promise I bought the sandals!"

"Why would you steal from the royal family? Do you want them to have your head?!" she exclaimed. Nicholas smiled at her, still carrying the buckets. "I am a professional thief, I never get caught unless you want to report me."

She blinked at him a few times, "A slave has no voice, and there's no use reporting, even if I could."


"Just because," she walked up to him removing the chain and throwing it on the ground.

"If you want to help me, then don't get me in trouble with your stolen goods that could give you away." Nicholas' smile refused to leave his face as he followed her.

"So who are you?" she asked, as they walked on. "I'm a servant in the castle. I normally come to this part of the kingdom dressed like a prince just to get attention."

"You take advantage of people's ignorance, rude, but smart. One day you will get caught."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Everyday is for the thief, one day is for the master of the household"

The prince chuckled, making her furrow her eyebrows at him, "What is so funny?"


Adelaide should have been scared that a random man is being so nice and practically stalked her, but the truth was that she has not had an actual normal conversation with anyone before. Maybe it was too quick for her to believe that he is in fact not a prince, but maybe it was because part of her wanted him to be normal, in turn, their conversation. 

"The castle will not notice you are gone?"

"There are thousands of servants and slaves, how can they notice when they don't even know our names?" Adelaide nodded in understanding, that is true.

"It actually makes sense. I was wondering how the prince would actually leave his own betrothal ceremony. Is he mean to you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I heard he's rude, arrogant, and selfish, Also, he beheads slaves and servants once they make the slightest mistake."

Nicholas was shocked by her words, he had done no such thing!

"Where did you hear that?"

"My master's son," she shrugged as they reached the fields.

"You should go back to the castle now. Thank you for your help," she said, reaching for the bucket.

"I can stay a bit longer."

"You're a servant! My master will report you," she warned, but he shrugged it off, "Not a problem."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she took clothes out of the bucket, spreading them out to dry.

"Is the queen-to-be beautiful?"

"Her beauty cannot be compared to yours,"

"You don't even know me,"

"I can see, I don't need to know you."

MARRY ME, ADELAIDEWhere stories live. Discover now