13: Sorry

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Chapter 13: Sorry

Listen to Don't Start Now By Dua Lipa.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
- Dr Seuss.


"JUST TAKE THE BLACK ONE, it suits you more," I advised.

"But the white one is really pretty. I can't decide Zuri."

We were shopping. Yes, shopping at 10 o'clock on a Saturday morning. This was definitely not how I imagined to spend my weekend. Selena has been trying to decide between a black dress and a white dress. I think the black one goes better with her lighter skin tone but she likes the white one.

"How about you try both of them on and look at yourself in the mirror," I suggested.

"Good idea."

She went to the changing room and came out in the white one. "What do you think?"

"It's okay, try the black one."

She went back inside and changed into the black one and came out.

"It looks so pretty on me," she said and twirled around.

"That's exactly what I was saying," I said.

"You should try on the white one," she said and thrusted it towards me.

"Nah, I'm not a dress person."

"Oh well," she shrugged, "I guess I'll just take the two of them." She said and dropped them in our basket.

We picked a lot of shirts, some of mine were three sizes too big reserved especially for lazy days. We picked sweaters, hoodies, jackets, bandanas, scarves, bonnets - on Selena's insistence, snapbacks, baseball caps, bracelets, earrings, pyjamas, necklaces....

We went through so many stores, when we were done we could barely carry them all. Selena paid for some things and I paid for others. Even though she knew I had enough money to pay for both of us, she insisted that she pay for some because she suggested the outing in the first place.

We stuffed our bags in the booth and the rest of them in the back seat. By the time we were done with shopping it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon and we weren't done with our fun day.

Next, we went to the cinema to watch a movie. It was a DC movie, Aquaman. We picked out tickets, drinks and popcorn then we headed to the cinema to watch the movie. The movie was really cool. There were a lot of 3-D effects and the best thing about it was that it was not a romance movie. Romance movies are just so cringey. Eww.

The popcorn was so delicious. I planned on going to that cinema again to get some more of that yummy popcorn. When the movie was done, we left the cinema and bought some ice cream in the parking lot. I was really happy because the last time I had ice cream was ages ago.

"We should do this more often," I told Selena happily.

"I know right. Today was so much fun," she said licking her ice cream quickly so that the cone wouldn't get squishy before she was done.

"Last one to finish their ice cream buys pizza for dinner," I suddenly challenged.

"You're on," Selena said.

Eventually, I finished first and Selena surrendered, saying that I'm not human for biting ice cream. We bought pizza and soda for our dinner then we headed home.

When we got home, I headed for my room and fell on the bed and yelled, "Best day ever!"

Selena responded, "You're such a kid."

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