27: Sparks.

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Chapter 27: Sparks.

"Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no limitations on what you could do, have or be."
- Brian Tracy.

Listen to idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish


THE WEEK WHIZZED PAST and before I knew it, it was Friday.

"You're coming to my house tomorrow right?" Selena asked as she stuffed her face with chicken fajitas and tortillas.

"Yeah," I told her.

I was sitting with Chloe. Her ombre locks looking extremely conspicuous. You just couldn't miss that beautiful combination of colors all merged into blonde. "You seem really quiet today." She had said observantly.

"I'm fine," I said with a small smile.

We finished our lunches and I went to drop my tray and trudged out of the cafeteria.

Truth be told, I wasn't fine.

When are you ever?

I was tired, stressed and I had been lacking sleep these past few days. I heaved myself to my next class, willing my eyes to stay open and my brain to keep functioning for just a few more hours.

"You don't seem fine," Selena pressed.

"Really?" I said just so she could keep talking and maybe realize that I'm not interested right now then she'd probably shut up.

"Yeah," she said, "you seem kinda sad."

"I'm not sad." I said.

"Yeah, she just misses Liam," Chloe butted in.

"No I don't," I argued.

"Liar liar pants on fire," they sang simultaneously.

"I really don't have that luxury of energy to argue with you right now," I said and walked ahead of them to biology class.

"Aw, come on Zuri, why are you being such a party pooper," Selena whined exaggeratedly.

"Cause I'm tired."

I opened the door and sat in class waiting for my teacher to begin droning on and on about genes.


I put my notes and print outs in my bag when I noticed pink on some parts of a particular paper. I dropped the rest in my bag and held that one in my hand.


Oh my God!

I stuffed my things in my bag and my phone beeped with a text which I ignored and slammed my locker shut. I was rushing out of the school when I nearly bumped into Selena.

"Where are you off to?" She asked.

"I just realized that I have a question and answer sess-"

"Jeez, calm down." She cut me off, "Hurry up and get going and quit freaking out."

"Okay, I will." I told her.

"Good luck," she said as she slung her duffel over her shoulder.

She has swimming practice.

"You too," I waved her and rushed out of the school, my black chanel boots nearly giving way beneath me.

I got into the black Toyota Camry I drove to school this morning and started the car and drove out of the school and straight to Liam's house.

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