23: Back.

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Chapter 23: Back.

This woman is made of steel. You can bend her but she will never break.
- Unknown.

Listen to Hard White by Nicki Minaj.


I SUBCONSCIOUSLY CHECKED the hall everytime I had to go to my locker for Liam but I didn't see him. I don't know why but for some reason I felt like I was...worried?

I brushed any negative thoughts about him to the side for now. I had to focus on what I had ahead of me. I was meeting some gymnasts who were Selena's friends during lunch so Selena was prepping me on how to talk to them and what to say. I had barely been able to grasp anything she had been saying so far.

"...then Chloe is a vegetarian. She's an amazing soul once you get to know her, I have absolutely zero idea why I never introduced you to her before. Then there's Tessa. I don't really talk to her that much but she talks to Chloe a lot so she's probably cool." She finished off.

"Thanks a lot, Selena but I don't know if this is such a great idea." I said subtly.

"Of course it is. When have I ever had an idea that is not great?" She asked rhetorically.

I sent her a sardonic glance to which she responded.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I've had a few slip ups but this will be cool. Trust me on this one."

"If you say so, although I don't know why you're so intent on me making friends with the gymnasts." I told her frankly.

"Because, if you're friends with them, getting on the team will be much easier." She reasoned.

I sighed and decided to go along with her stupid plan.

I picked my lunch tray and selected a small blueberry yoghurt, rice and salsa. I just loved spicy food. It made the world....a spicier place? Or at least that's what I believed.

I sat down on the table which Selena was already seated with a bunch of some other girls. This was so not my scene. I hated being around too many people at a time because I'm very socially awkward.

But you want to make the team, don't you?

My subconscious eerily reminded me. I shook off my all social anxiety, or at least some of it, and said, hey to everyone who was seated. To my surprise, they all cheerfully responded.

"I'm Chloe, what's your name?"

Ah, the vegetarian. I thought subtly.

She was a pretty girl with blonde highlights of different colours which made her hair look ombre in appearance.

"I'm Zuri," I told her, "the new girl." I expanded.

"Oh," she said as if realization had just dawned upon her, studied me for about a moment then said, "You were at Ian's party last week?"

"Yeah, I was." I said.

"Oh my gosh, I love your hair," someone gushed all of a sudden.

I looked in the direction of the voice to see that it had come from a beautiful red head with startling green eyes which compelled you to look until you got lost in them.

"Sorry for not introducing myself properly Zuri, I'm Jasmine."

Her name, for some reason, suites her almost too well.

"Hey Jasmine." I said with a small smile.

"So, you're trying out for the team, yeah?" The girl who asked me looked familiar. I had seen her before, I don't know if I talked to her, but I recall having an encounter with her, I just wasn't sure where or when.

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