9: Permission

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Chapter 9: Permission

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin

Listen to Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara

Dedicated to Wattpad



Nobody does.

But sometimes you just had to.

I let the tears fall freely. I didn't even bother to wipe them off. I don't know how long exactly I cried or how long I was sitting on that bench, all alone before I brought out the scrapbook and started writing. My Mom used to tell me that whenever I felt sad, I should write down how I feel because it would help me to feel better.

I started writing with my black pen. I always liked the colour black when it came to pens for some unknown reason.

Am I not worthy of being loved...

I wrote,

Why is it that no matter how hard I try no one will ever love me for who I really am. It's not my fault that I'm black or that I'm an introvert or that I'm ugly-

"Stop," someone behind me said making me pause my writing, "the last thing I want you to call yourself is ugly. So just stop."

I dropped my pen limply and started bawling my eyes out all over again. "Do you know how it feels like to feel rejected, alone and hated every day of your life," I sniffed, "Why do people have to -"

"Stormi, stop. Just stop," he said running a hand over his face. He sat beside me, "I don't ever want you to feel that way. Nobody should. Never allow anyone to intimidate you or call you what you wouldn't like to be called. They can't hurt you, you're unbreakable. Nobody can hurt you without your permission. Do you understand that?"

I looked up at him from underneath my wet lashes and nodded my head.

"Good," he said with a slight smile,"Now get back in there, wash your face, smile and show that bitch who's boss around here."

I smiled a bit and collected the bottle of water he handed to me. I washed my face, took a hanky out of my bag and cleaned my face before putting my bag back on.

I entered the hallway with Liam a few steps behind me tapping something on his iPhone Xs Max. Yes I keep track of phone types a lot, weird, I know. He looked like he was texting someone and acting like he wasn't the one giving me a motivational speech a few minutes ago.

I went to my next class which had already started.

"Miss Hernandez." The teacher said.

"Here," I said.

"You're late." He deadpanned.

I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes before saying, "I'm never late. Everyone else is simply early." Before I sashayed to a free seat in the front row.

Little Miss Know-it-allWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt