7: Tomorrow

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Listen to Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran ft Khalid.

"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in."
- Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, love and a dash of sass.

Dedicated to Tallulah118

Chapter 7: Tomorrow.



"Yes father," I answered.

"Why weren't you in school today?" He demanded.


Holy cows. I was in deep trouble.

"Um... I- today was...um..." I stuttered trying to think of a sensible lie.

"Why weren't you in school today?" He demanded a second time.

"I- I couldn't.... I just couldn't stay for classes," I sighed.

"Why?" He said. His cold, grey eyes which were a lighter shade than mine.

"Because," I sighed, "I got into a fight." I said.
My father dropped his wine glass on the glass table.

"Kiara," he sighed,"we talked about this."

"You don't understand Father. She was literally-"

"There's nothing to understand," he said dropping his fork and getting up to leave the dining table.
He can't just walk away. Something bubbled inside me. Like a hot flaming anger frothing and heating up all my insides. I don't know what came over me but I suddenly began to laugh sadistically and dropped my cutlery with a loud 'clang' on my plate.
He looked at me like I had become mad all of a sudden.

"You see this," I said standing up too,"this is exactly what you do. You're confronted with a problem and instead of you to fix it you run away. You always ran away."

"Kiara why-"

"Why am I doing this? Why am I yelling at you all of a sudden and telling you how to fix yourself and your entire life?" I asked rhetorically, "It's because I finally realised how much you don't even care. All you care about is your stupid company, your stupid money, your stupid business associates, your stupid property all over the world and your stupid self."

"That's not true. I have-"

"That's not true? Are you really going to tell me that that's not true?" I was nearly screaming in anger. I walked towards him, "You took everything I had," my voice was starting to break, "My mom, my friends, my entire childhood, you took them all away. Then you had to move to this screwed city. The city that never sleeps," I said making air quotations with my hand, "I wish," I scoffed and headed to the stairs.

I hate my dad. I hate New York. I hate my new school and very soon, I might start to hate my own existence.

I stormed upstairs, slammed the door of my bedroom and collapsed on my bed in tears. I took out my phone to check my text messages. I skipped Selena's messages, I'll talk to her tomorrow at school. I saw a message from that same unknown number which I didn't two days ago.

Little Miss Know-it-allOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz