24: Bombs.

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Chapter 24: Bombs.

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
- Coco Chanel.

Listen to Coco by 24kGoldn ft Dababy.


"SO HE JUST appeared out of nowhere and started hitting you?" My father asked.

"Yes." I answered.

Liam, my father and I were in the living room. My father was asking me about the person who attacked me.

"What did he look like?" He asked.

"I already told you that I'm not sure what he looked like. He wore a mask and by the time Liam came and took off the mask and beat him up, I was in a state of severe shock." I said for like the fifth time.

"How are my investigators supposed to find out who he is if you can't remember anything?" He asked.

"I honestly have no idea and it's really not my business how your stupid investigators are going to find out who it was or why the person attacked me because I have better things to do." I stood up and flounced out of the living room and up the stairs.

I climbed up and all the way to my room. I knew Liam was trailing behind me, I heard him bounding up the stairs in pursuit of me.

I entered my room and he entered after me and closed my door.

"What do you want?" I said turning around to face him.

"You're not being nice to your dad, Stormi," he pointed out.

"And so?" I asked rhetorically.

"He's trying to help," he said.

"Well, thanks Captain Obvious, I think I already noticed." I told him rolling my eyes.

"Don't give me that attitude," he said.

"Or else what?" He opened his mouth to speak but I didn't let him, "Look, all my life he has never tried to help me out. I have felt neglected, abandoned, lonely, scared and at all those times where was his help? Today, that man who's probably sick in the head attacked me. It could have been a lot worse, I could have been injured severely or even dead, God knows what could have happened. But you came to my rescue and I'm grateful for that. He isn't ever there for me. He never was and I've gotten used to the fact that he never will be and I've made peace with that."

"I understand that but he's just trying to help," he pressed.

"No! Don't tell me that!" I yelled. My vision was blurring. God I'm going to cry. "Don't ever tell me that. You don't understand. No one ever will."

"Come on Stormi, don't cry," he pleaded.

"I'm not crying," I lied, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"It's okay you know," he said, "to break down sometimes and let it all out. All the pent up emotions that you feel but have no idea how to react to. Sometimes you just have to let it all out. It's okay to sulk, to cry, to be mad. It's okay to let yourself feel sometimes. It's what makes you human."

His little speech made me feel a whole lot better and even though I still felt like bawling my eyes out, I blinked back my tears, smiled and made a very stupid joke, "What if I'm a mutant?"

He smiled, "You're supposed to be crying right now. That was the essence of the entire speech."

"Meh," I shrugged and smiled genuinely.

He smiled too and then looked at his watch.

"I should get going," he told me.

"Sure, thanks for everything." I said to him.

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