29: Seatbelt

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Chapter 29: Seatbelt.


I WOKE UP to the unwelcome rays of sunlight penetrating my eyelids. I picked my phone up and disconnected it from the cord which was charging it and checked the time.

Seven thirty.

My calendar beeped with a notification just as I was about to dismiss the time and doze off again. I checked the notification and groaned in annoyance. I completely forgot about Selena's visit today. I trudged to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I combed through my curls and put them up in a high ponytail with the help of a scrunchie. I put on a pair of boyfriend jeans, a white tank top and a flannel shirt with my red and black air Jordans. I stuffed my phone, some cash, chewing gum and lip gloss into my bag right after smearing a bit of it on my lips.

As I opened my bedroom door, the smell of freshly made pancakes wafted into my nose. I jogged quickly down the stairs in a bid to decipher where that smell is coming from and who is producing it.

As I got to the kitchen, I stopped cold in my tracks.

I had completely forgotten that I had asked Liam to stay over last night. And now he's here. Making breakfast.

Is that normal?

I don't know.

"Hey Stormi," he said glancing over his shoulder to look at me before focusing on the pancakes in the frying pan.

"Hi. How was your night?" I asked him.

"As good as it could have gotten. Yours?"

"Mine was okay," I replied.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah," I said and hoisted myself up on the island.

"Aren't you going to help me cook or something?" He asked.

"I could help you get out ingredients or whatever but there is absolutely no way I'm going near that gas cooker," I told him.

"Why not? Afraid you'll burn yourself?" He joked.

"No, I'm afraid I'll start a fire or burn the food to crisp," I concluded.

"You can't be that bad at cooking," he said.

"Trust me when I tell you that I am."

"Could you help me get out the syrup?" He asked.

From the batter remaining, he was going to be done soon. That should be enough for two or three pancakes at most. I got off the counter and started searching the cupboards. When I started checking through the top cupboards, I realized to my mortification that I can't reach the top shelf inside it. And the syrup was right there.

Should I tell Liam I can't reach?

And risk him making fun of how short you are when you're not even that short? He will never let you live it down.


I'll just climb a chair and use that to check instead. I got a chair and climbed it, making sure I was balanced before reaching up to get it. Upon closer inspection, there was maple syrup, melted chocolate and whipped cream. I reached up and attempted to hold all three items in my hands when I wobbled and almost fell.

I reached to grab the bottom of the cupboard to keep from falling when a pair of hands grabbed me by the waist, holding my tilted frame in the balance.

Green held the gaze of grey and I froze in time.

I couldn't blink.

I couldn't speak.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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