22: Tale

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Chapter 22: Tale

Fuck matching tattoos, fuck matching tee shirts, fuck matching favorite movies.
Match my fucking loyalty.
- Ateestha.

Listen to Pov by Ariana Grande.


"SO WHAT WAS so important?" I asked him when I called after dressing up in a huge yellow shirt which I got from somewhere I can't quite recall now and sweatpants.

"I heard you're becoming a gymnast," he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, so?"

"And I just- Is your hair wet?" He suddenly asked.

Major topic shift? Yeah.

"Yeah, it is."

"Did you wash it?"

"I took a bath Liam," I said flatly.

"I was just asking," he said.

"And I was just answering," I told him.

"Why did I call you again?" He asked sounding exasperated.

"You should be asking yourself that, to be honest." I said and looked at the nails Selena did for me last Friday. I'm going to take them off probably tomorrow after school. "Is tomorrow Wednesday?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?" He looked puzzled.

"Um... nothing, nevermind. Anyways, what did you need to tell me that was so important?" I switched topics immediately.

"Oh, yeah, so you were offered a spot on the gymnastics team, yeah?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you know you have to do tryouts before you can get in?" He asked and put his phone to balance somewhere, probably a wall because I could see his face better.

"Tryouts?" I had absolutely no idea.

"No, I didn't." I told him.

"Well now you do."

"Oh." I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, oh. Do you really want to get on the team?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then you have to make tryouts," he told me.

"Which I can," I told him trying to sound confident, even though the amount of self-doubt I felt at that moment could fill an entire bathtub.

"If you have a bit more practice," he said as if to complete my sentence.

"What do you know about gymnastics?" I said slightly offended.

"I know enough," he said with a faraway look in his eyes.

"I know enough," I mimicked, "Yeah right. Enough to teach a four year old."

"This isn't the time to be snarky Stormi," he said looking serious.

"No, it's the time for me to be doing my Calculus homework, but I'm here on video call with you." I shot back.

"Could you please just listen?" He asked.

"To what you have to say? Sure."

I wasn't quite sure why I was mad at him now. Whether it was because he pointed out my lack of skill in gymnastics or because he was trying to tell me to practice.

"This isn't a joke Stormi," he told me.

"You think I don't know that?"

"Of course you do," he said before he muttered something I didn't hear quite clearly, "Look, Brittany is team captain and it's pretty clear that she hates your guts and she won't be able to stand you being on her team and since she's the captain she's on the panel of judges for your tryouts, so you have to be absolutely perfect and your performance has to be devoid of any mistakes so that she'll have no choice but to let you be on the team."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. How was Brittany the team captain. Like... seriously?

"So, what do you have in mind?" I asked and put my phone on my dresser drawer.

"I could link you up with someone who will teach you," he told me.



"Thank you so much," I was so happy for some reason.

"It's no big deal," he said and smiled bit it didn't reach his eyes.

"Why do you want to help me?" I suddenly asked.

"Because I don't like Brittany that much," he said coolly.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Let's just say," he stretched and leaned back in his chair, "we've had a bit of history."

"Yeah, like kissing at a party last week," I said distractedly. I did not mean to say that and I almost covered my mouth and apologised for no reason but didn't just to see his reaction. I honestly had no idea why I said that.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A voice whispered in my brain.

He seemed stunned for a moment before saying, "It wasn't what you saw."

"Yeah, right," I scoffed.

"Look I'll explain why later but now you have to focus." He told me as if I was a stubborn ten year old.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow in school, I'm really tired." I lied. I just didn't want to be on the phone call anymore.

"If this is about the kiss-"

"I don't care about the kiss," I almost yelled at him through the phone, "I just really need to sleep now. Good night."

I didn't wait for him to reply before I ended the video call.

I took out my Literature for this week which I was supposed to read so I could give a presentation for it next week and started to read the book.

A Tale Of Two Cities.

If I had known what was coming the next day, I would have probably gotten enough sleep because I did not see what was coming at all, until much later.

Here's your update!

Follow me on Instagram@diash_quinn.


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