chapter 14

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Noelle's POV

The door was locked so I used my spare key to unlock the door.
Mom and dad are not yet home.

Furrgh it's Wednesday they must have gone for Bible studies.

Okay now Don't get me wrong. I go to church. I believe in God. I love Jesus.
I just believe that since Jesus is our savior he will be the one to judge us.
I hate it when humans be all judgemental like Jesus gave them the right to.

I walked to my room and laid my bags on the floor.

I was exhausted

Using public transport for long distance travels in SA was a disaster.

I laid on my back facing the ceiling. I only had one person on my mind.


I didn't realize I was already crying.

Fuck you! I screamed


I cried myself to sleep everyday for weeks without count.

Mom got worried.
"Are you sick?" She questioned
Do you feel weak?

Urghhh I was tired of her unending questions.
True I had lost a great amount of weight. But I didn't seem to care.

Abbey will be home by the weekend her first exam is over and I have barely three weeks to resume school.
I really wanted to leave boksburg. Everything and everywhere seemed to hold a memory of one person.


" Dude why have you lost so much weight" Abbey asked turning me around.

"Same question I keep asking her everyday" my mom enjoined

I just rolled my eyes at both of them.

After dinner Abbey came to my room.

We chatted for so long that she fell asleep in my room.
It's been a while I had a good laugh. Feels good to have Abbey back with us.

It was Sunday morning. Mom was in the kitchen. I woke up to the smell of fried rice.
I felt my stomach growl. I can't remember the last time I ate real food.

Abbey was awake I guess I made too much noise.

My legs felt weak. I couldn't move them. My muscles all cramped. My body was shaking vigorously and I couldn't control it. Abbey shook me frantically but I didn't respond. She ran out to call my mom.

Daddy rushed in and picked me up bridal style giving out instructions at the top of his voice.

"Abbey get the car key. Come downstairs immediately, Lock up the doors. Open the gate" all this he said in one breathe.

I was rushed to netcare sunward park hospital. The same hospital where Lina works as an intern.

It was Sunday morning so the hallways were empty. I was quickly wheeled into the A and E unit.

I woke up three hours later and found myself in the female ward.
Abbey was beside my bed. Typing so fast on her phone.
She must have felt me move my hands Cox she looked up immediately.

"Hey there" she said with so much enthusiasm

"Hey" I replied weakly.

After a little chit chat. I wanted to go back to sleep but Abbey insisted I eat before sleeping again.

"The doctor will soon be here to give you some meds and you need to eat. Plus she's so hot. I'm sure you'd like her.
It's time to move on kid"

I smiled broadly. Abbey was a really cool and outgoing person. Sometimes I Wish I took after her.

"I'm looking forward to getting my meds" I said with a wink.
Abbey laughed at that

"I saw the way she looked at you even when you where asleep. You wouldn't need much work to impress her" Abbey said reassuringly..

I sat on the bed thinking about random stuffs and my mind wandered off to Lina. What was she doing now. Should I call her?
Maybe she was at the hospital. I missed her so much and was craving to see her maybe hug her once more but I couldn't.
I really hurt her the last time by leaving unannounced.
I ignored her messages too.
Gosh. What have I done??

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Love 😘

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