Chapter 18

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Celina's POV

I sat at the table sipping coffee from my favorite purple mug. It was a gift from Charles.

A smile creeped into the corner of my mouth just thinking of our last meeting.

What was I going to tell my mom? that her prospective son-in-law broke up with me because I was gay?
My dad would probably not be as disappointed as my mom.

I shook my head to erase the thought of facing my parents. Elle was in my house and the only thing that matters right now is fixing the mess I started.

Elle pulled a seat across the table. She was wearing my clothes.

So damn hot I said inwardly. Checking her out.

I shifted a bit Cox I was already nervous.

I watched her eat quietly. Not making eye contact.

"Do you feel better?" I asked trying to create an atmosphere

She just nodded slightly and continued eating or playing with her food. So it seemed.

"Thank you for last night" she finally Said

"It's nothing " I replied almost stammering.

I waited until she was done eating. I stretched my hand to pick up her plate but she stopped me.

"I'll do the dishes" she said softly almost inaudibly.
"It's the least I can do to say thank you" she added.

It was futile trying to argue with her so I gave up.

I sat on the cabinet and watched her do the dishes. She did everything so gracefully. She was an imperfect person yet had no flaws.
I was dying inside. I need this woman in my life.

I hopped off the cabinet and wrapped my arms around Elle's waist.

She stiffened at first but gradually let herself relax.
I turned her around so I could see her face.

I looked at her for a long time before speaking

"I've always been a coward when it comes to going after what I love. I fell for you the moment we got close. I was scared to loose my relationship of five years but I didn't realize that I loved you more than I've ever loved anyone"

My tears gathered in my eyes threatening to spill.

" You got yourself someone else"
she replied slowly looking at me straight in the eye

She opened her mouth to continue speaking but instead I placed my lips on Elle's.

The fact that we were both 5 ft helped this time. I kissed her and wrapped my hands around her waist.
She kissed me back gently at first until we were both out of breathe.

I rested my forehead on hers as we panted.

"What now?" She asked wiping her hands on the napkin.

"The lady from last night is my friend faith"
I said after a while.

"So that answers my question" She asked more like a statement
I chuckled

"You could just say I look good in your clothes too" she said sarcastically
Placing the dishes in the cabinet

"I don't think so" I replied jokingly

"Judging from how long you stared at me since breakfast"

She laughed

I pulled her to me and placed my lips of hers again.
Gosh they tasted like fresh flowers soft and silky.

We spent the whole afternoon in my apartment.


Thanksgiving was a week away and Elle's birthday was exactly a week too What a coincidence. She would be going back to school shortly after. We had become so close almost inseparable. We were dating already and everything seemed to fall in place.
I was planning something special for Thanksgiving. Even though we had agreed on no gifts.
Charles and I had called my parents to Inform them of the breakup. Much to my surprise my mom didn't yell her head off.

I Finally came out to them. My impatient mother wants to meet the girl that has her daughter hooked.
I planned on inviting my parents and my only brother for Thanksgiving since Elle wouldn't be able to Travel.

Elle was having Thanksgiving dinner with her family so she would come over to meet my parents and then we would go somewhere.

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