chapter 17

14 1 0

Noelle's POV

I drove myself down to the base club.

I told Mom I'll be staying over at a friend's place so she didn't have to worry.

I needed to unwind.

Abbey was spending the weekend with her fiance so she was unavailable for hangout.

I sat on a long chair at the bar. Sipping my drink slowly.

I already made a reservation at a hotel nearby which means I had the night to myself.

I immediately had a refill. I could feel the tequila in my system

50 percent alcohol was a lot for someone who hasn't smelt alcohol in like two weeks.

"Excuse me dance" someone whispered in my ear

I turned to see a pretty young lady in her mid twenties I think.

"You're too pretty to get a no" I replied flirtatiously getting down from the chair.

I was led to the dance floor by this stranger but I didn't mind After all, I came to have fun.

We danced to the music, the lady swaying her hips back and forth my drinks still in hand.

I was already feeling my feet wobble. The club was filled with too many people. You could hardly stay two feet away from someone else.

I stumbled on my heels and before I knew it my drink went flying in the air.

Shit I cursed under my breathe

" I'm sorry" I kept apologizing trying to get my cell phone and the now broken glass from the floor.

"Let me help you get that" she offered reaching for my cell and handed it to me.


I cursed again when I realized who it was.

I hurried outside. I need to breathe.

Once outside I let out a breathe I didn't know I've been holding since I saw her.

I was pacing at the car park. Right now I didn't know what to feel.

Part of me was happy to see her but the other wasn't.

"Elle please wait up" she called.

I stopped abruptly not looking at her for once.

She held my hands making me face her.

She said so many things most of which I guessed were apologies.
My head was spinning at this point. Must be the alcohol.

"Take me home" was all I said after a while. I felt dizzy and was hardly standing.


I woke up to the smell of munched egg, beacon and freshly brewed coffee coming from the kitchen.

The sun rays had already made it way to the room. I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust it to the brightness.
My head was pounding. I rushed to the toilet to throw up again.

I came out of the bathroom looking around.

I miss being here I said to myself as I walked back to the bed.

"You should feel better with this" Lina said with a small smile walking in with aspirin and a glass of water.
....Take a shower and meet me at the kitchen. Breakfast will be ready in 5" She included before turning to leave.

She wasn't rude or friendly. Just something in between.

Wait.. did I say something to her last night?

Shit ...


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