chapter 19

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Celina's POV

It was Thanksgiving. I was at home preparing different kinds of meal. I was really happy, the year had been full of ups and downs but I had a lot to be thankful for.


I smiled at the thought of her.
Yes I was thankful for our relationship but most importantly I was thankful that my parents didn't kick against our relationship.

I decided not to send her a birthday message. I was preparing it all for tonight.

The knock on the door made me snap out of my little dream world.

I screamed opening the door wide for my dad and Morris my younger brother to come in while pulling her into a hug. She still smelled the same way; a pleasant rose mixed with lavender. I closed my eyes a bit as memories of my childhood came rushing back. I smiled slightly remembering when I'll fake nightmares just so I could sleep with my mom. I Used to think her bed was more comfy and scented not great.
Dad was always away on business trip so it was just the three of us.

Dinner went smoothly with my mom observing every little detail. She thinks I lost weight and my arms look skinny.

I just rolled my eyes anytime she brings that up.

"Do you mind if I share your room tonight"? My mom asked smiling wildly

"No mom" I half screamed. Visibly embarrassed.

"Oh well" she shrugged. "I thought you still have one those nightmares" she completed.

Morris was laughing so hard at this point.
I just gave him a slight punch.

"Dude! That hurts" he said jokingly

Dinner was over and I was washing the dishes. Elle would be here anytime so I tried to hurry up.
My family is lodging at a hotel in town so I asked them to stay back and meet Elle.

We were having some family time when the door bell rang.

Morris got up to answer the door. They must have had a little chit chat before walking down to the living room Cox I saw both of them smiling.

Good to know you both are getting along already I said to myself.

I scratched the back of my head. I hated this introduction stuff.

"Hey honey" my mother volunteered I'm Daine celina's mom. She would probably not Introduce us so let me have the honor. They all let out a -i-know-right- laugh.

"Meet my husband Warren and my baby Morris"

I just stood there


"I'm Noelle, but u can call me Elle. It's nice to meet you all. She said shaking hands with them"

"You do have a good sense of women" my mother whispered
I felt my cheeks go hot.

"Morris that's my girlfriend" I called out

"Can't share?? He winked

"Not in this life time" I shot back feigning annoyance.

I went to my room to get dressed while Elle chatted with my dad and Morris.

I had bought a red dress two days before with a 3 inch black stiletto to go with.
I sat in front of the mirror to do my makeup. My mom walked into my room and sat beside the bed.

"You look beautiful" she said emotionally
Touching my shoulder slightly

"Thank you Mama" I smiled

"You've not been this happy in years. She added"

"I always knew there was something different... Mom started, I turned around to look at her.

"You only wanted to hang out with female friends. You always said the boys where frogs"
I laughed a bit. I remember vividly

"You always had this spark when you talked about a particular girl. When Charles proposed to you. Your were not this excited.
I'm glad I'm alive to witness you be with someone you love"
A tear dropped from her eyes

"Thank you Mom for always being supportive"
I hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

"C'mon now. You don't want to ruin your makeup" mom said.

Noelle's POV

We walked into the five star hotel hand in hand. We got into the elevator and headed for the last floor which led to the roof top.I couldn't believe it. Dinner at five star roof top. This was on my bucket list so I'll have to cancel that when I got home.

There was a waiter ready to take our orders.

"I'm so full, i might just go with any dessert" Lina said

"Me too" I echoed

Coming up the waiter announced and left.

"I got you a little something" I said turning to face Lina.
" I know we agreed on no gifts but I couldn't help it. So please don't say no"

I took out a small box from my handbag. Inside was a gold necklace with our initials on it. CN.

Her smile grew wide.
She kissed me lightly on the lips and it almost turned into a make out session.

The waiter cleared his throat to announce that our dessert had arrived.

I adjusted my dress in slight embarrassment.

Bon appetit" he courtesid and left

After our meal, I got up and stood by the rails admiring how the sky looked from here. The moon was shining so bright. You could hardly spot a star. This felt good. I was happy again after been disappointed by Bryan.

A call came in from the hospital so Lina went aside to pick it. She's taking so long. I turned around to look for her but there she is on her knees with a ring up to my face.
My eyes widened three times it's normal size.

"Marry me and make me the most happiest woman" she said slowly as if filtering her words.

"Yes yes yes! I screamed
She slid the ring into my finger and kissed my hands.

"I love you Elle" she said

She said it. Yes she did

"Happy first birthday as an adult my darling"


he quirked
I rolled my eyes playfully.

" I love you too Celina Warren"

"How about you show me when we get to the hotel room" Lina winked

I could already feel the heat in my thighs grow.

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