For Someone Who Doesn't Care, You're Taking It Quite Hard

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Seeing that she's not going to find the two anytime soon, Soyeon made her way to the garden of the property. There, she saw a girl taller than her, clad in a black cocktail dress and a wine glass in hand. She observed the back of the girl before walking up to the figure.

None of the girls said a word until it got too quiet "So, how are you finding the party?" Soyeon still hasn't gotten a chance to look at the girl since it was dark. Suddenly, a light shone in their direction "Soojin eonni? Uncle and auntie are looking for you" The blonde girl froze as she saw the owner of the voice "Thanks for the heads up" the girl, Soojin turned to look at the short girl and offered a smile "Thanks for the company" before finally leaving

"I'm sorry if I interrupted you guys" The girl walked closer and turned the flashlight off, leaving them in the dark with only the moon to provide a source of light "We weren't talking anyways" she waved off

The girl was awfully smiley... and cute. Very cute "Having fun at the party?"

"It's not bad, I just prefer the quiet instead of being in a room filled with old people and definitely without my parents breathing behind my back and trying to marry me off to some hotshot's son" Soyeon didn't know why but she found herself venting and speaking more than she usually would when she would come across a stranger but this stranger's presence was comforting. It was like a quilt blanket had been placed over her shoulder

The girl didn't say anything but came closer and took Soyeon's wrist "Come with me" the lack of distance between them revealed the stranger's face. Her big brown almond eyes were what caught Soyeon's attention the most. They were the most innocent and expressive eyes she has ever seen. They were glinting in excitement partnered with a wide adorable smile

Her bangs were swept to the side, giving the girl a mature look. "Where are we going?" but the girl had not answered. Instead, she dragged the short girl along with her further into the forest where they stopped in front of a small garden shed. The black-haired girl let go of her hold and entered the shed first but not before shooting a mischievous look towards Soyeon.

Confused, she followed the girl inside only to gasp in surprise. The shed was decorated and the roof was made of glass, the moon is their source of light. The place looked like it came straight out of a fairytale "Welcome to my spot" The other girl's deep voice snapped Soyeon out of her reverie

"This is your property?"

"My parents'" She corrected

It only dawned to her that this girl must be the daughter of the owner of a big Chinese conglomerate 'A member of the Song family'

"Song Yuqi, but Yuqi is fine"

-flashback end-

"Yeon, were you even listening?" Her head whipped in the direction of the owner who's hand just recently made contact with the back of her head, quite violently "Why the fuck did you do that?"

"You were out of it" Minnie rolled her eyes "Yuqi's right there, must you dream about her during class?" She was about to return the Thai girl's slap when the Han girl came over with her things already packed in her bag and was ready to go "Hey I can't go home with you guys today, I have somewhere to get to" That made Soyeon frown

"Do you need a ride to wherever you're going?" Yuqi shook her head but expressed her gratitude for the blonde girl's offer before leaving the classroom. "Do you know where she's going?" but the Thai girl only shrugged her shoulders before packing her things, prompting Soyeon to do the same

'Looks like I'm all alone for today' Reaching into her bag for her keys, she got distracted by the sound of familiar laughter only to see Yuqi engaged in a conversation with a boy with big eyes and thick lips "So she's going out with a guy huh" she rolled her eyes before hopping onto her car

She threw her bag quite hard on the passenger seat and stared at the image of the two people still talking, a couple of minutes later, the two got into a car and drove away. 'She could've just said she's going on a date instead of keeping it a mystery, who the hell cares anyway?'

"You're taking it quite hard for someone who doesn't care, eonni" Her eyes snapped to another pair belonging to their maknae who has now made herself comfortable in the passenger seat.

"When the hell did you get here? And why?" she stuttered 'Now you're stuttering like an idiot, Jeon Soyeon'

"Right when you were trying to behead Yukhei with your eyes and saying that nobody cares whether Yuqi goes on a date" The younger girl shifted into her seat and threw Soyeon's bag onto the backseat, along with her own bag

"SooSoo's going to be picked up by their driver today and I don't have a car"

"Seatbelt" Soyeon grunted before pulling out of the school's parking lot and driving to Shuhua's address in order to have her own peace and quiet in hopes of removing a certain girl from her mind.

After dropping Shuhua off, she found herself driving to the mall. She was sure that she wouldn't be able to get work done even in the confinement of her studio, not when her brain is constantly flashing images of the girl she refuses to acknowledge that she's falling for

'It's just a silly crush, no need to get worked up over it' 

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