"Jeon Soyeon, For a genius, you sure are dumb"

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"WHAT?" the Thai goddess exclaimed. They were currently at the parking lot, hanging out by their cars trying to pass time before their classes start. Her outburst earned them quite a lot of stares, both from professors and students alike.

"We're official" Miyeon gasped as she reached for her girlfriend's hand, for stability? Who knew (she was quite a clingy character too). Yuqi had come up to the couple with her now-boyfriend in tow, hands loosely clasped with each other "I asked her last night, she finally said yes" Lucas was grinning from ear to ear at the recollection of last night's events

He had called Yuqi for a hangout at their usual spot, the bowling alley. He got very nervous, constantly checking his outfit in the mirror and a bouquet of red roses in hand. His friends cheered him on as they played a game in hopes of calming the boy's nerves. Everything went well according to his plans. They played a game, ate out at a fancy restaurant, and strolled under the moonlight where they stopped at a park where he finally spilled his guts out.

"I- wha- how?" Minnie could only stutter as her brain tries to figure out what her friend (who is visibly whipped for a certain charismatic midget) was now telling her that she's now taken and is currently in a relationship with a boy. "Damn how are you guys always so early, I really tried this time" Shuhua walked up to them, an iced coffee in hand

"What's he doing here?" She finally asks after a few minutes of silence, it was when she removed her sunglasses that she noticed a towering figure beside her best friend "Yuqi was just introducing her boyfriend" the maknae's jaw dropped comically

"Eonni am I dreaming?" she asks the oldest who was trying to figure out how to bring her own girl back to reality "No, I'm telling you the truth, Yuqi and Luke are now together"

"Uh, it's actually Lucas" the boy interjected, things were definitely weird. The awkwardness slowly started to get louder until another voice spoke up "Good morning everyone". It was the legendary dancer, Seo Soojin. She shot Lucas a welcoming smile which the boy returned but stopped short when he felt a pair of eyes boring into the side of his head

"Guys be nice, Lucas is a good guy" Yuqi smiled as she looked at Lucas, the boy was no Jeon Soyeon but he had never failed to make her laugh or cheer her up. He was supportive and kept cheering her on by shooting her a text before a competition or would watch her performances secretly, giving her tips and compliments afterward. "It's nice to meet you, Lucas, I hope you take care of our Yuqi well. She's our precious baby so if you make her cry, I hope you already know what to expect" the foxy looking girl might be warm at the presence of the stranger compared to the others but she wasn't someone easy

Aside from Soyeon, she too was very protective of her group as a mother lioness. She doesn't take it easy to people who she wasn't sure what the intentions were but it was Yuqi who chose him this time, all she could do now was to make sure that her message was received well.

(Lucas gulped at the thought of crossing the famous group of friends)

Soyeon wasn't a stranger to bad days. At her current record of shitty days she's been having, Today had been the shittiest by far and probably will never become unparalleled. Even putting that one time she had to wear stinky clothes to school since she forgot to do her laundry. Today was the shittiest because she had to endure Yuqi and her new "boyfriend" acting disgusting in front of her during lunch and parading their lovesick gazes literally in the halls. It was the shittiest because he's everywhere she goes.

It was Yuqi who introduced Lucas to the intimidating short girl as her boyfriend. Soyeon wanted to go home and wrap herself like a burrito in the confines of her bed. She wanted to bawl her eyes out and beg Yuqi to take back what she said but she couldn't exactly bring herself to tell the younger girl her reasons so she swallowed the lump in her throat, gave a tight smile at the newly formed couple, and excused herself.

"Yah Jeon Soyeon, were you listening?" Soyeon turned to the woman in front of her, she let out a sigh and squeezed her eyes shut "Sorry, I wasn't. What were you saying again?" Soojin sighed

She knew just how rough of a time her cousin was having. She wasn't sure at first whether her cousin had feelings for one of their friends but the way Soyeon began to act after they all became aware of a guy pursuing Yuqi, confirmed all of her suspicions. "I was saying, maybe you should take a break, you've been working nonstop and... you've been taking it hard since the thing with Yuqi happened"

"What thing with Yuqi?"

"I'm not blind nor stupid Yeon, you're so obvious" The girl flushed deeply and stuttered as she tries to come up with an excuse "Since when did you start having feelings for her?" The older girl (by a few months) asked with a soft smile. Soyeon couldn't help but return the smile, albeit it was bittersweet. Just when she finally moved up the ladder from realizing her unacknowledged feelings, the girl that made it happen was now taken by someone else.

"That time when we stayed at Yuqi and Shuhua's after a party" she could only smile weakly at the memory

There was a party held by someone from the dorms, they all decided to go to celebrate after passing their finals. Being finally free from responsibilities during that hellish semester, they all got drunk and ended up in Shuhua and Yuqi's place, the maknae line being the closest ones to live near the university. Miyeon took care of a dead drunk Minnie onto a guest bedroom while Soojin took Shuhua to the maknae's bedroom which left a drunk Yuqi to take care of an even drunker Jeon Soyeon

Soyeon wasn't dead drunk like the other two girls. She still had some wits left to her. She knows about how Yuqi tried to remove her heels and socks, she knew about Yuqi changing her into some pajamas which she owned. Between Yuqi's care and utmost attention, Soyeon's heart started to beat faster.

Despite being drunk, she suddenly had clarity. Soyeon sobered up almost immediately when her brain finally processed that thought. Kind of like when you're drunk and come home only to see your parent's car on the driveway and then the presence of alcohol immediately leaves your body only to have you panic? It was exactly just like that.

"She took care of me even when she was also drunk. I don't know why but I thought of how she'd always put me first" Soyeon leaned back, her body finally letting go of the tension "I thought about how she's different and... I don't know, all I knew is that it would really suck if she's not in my life but everything was too fast for me, it was clear but at the same time, it's confusing. I mean out of all the people I've met, it ended up being her" Soojin took a sip of her coffee and nodded, she listened and tried to wrap her head around the whole situation.

She understood the feeling that Soyeon had just described, because, after meeting Yeh Shuhua, it's the only thing she's ever felt. Aside from that blooming love from her heart, accompanied by the butterflies in her stomach whenever the younger girl would give her full attention. Soojin has never had anyone treat her that way, and she's thankful for Shuhua, but sometimes, she couldn't help but second guess her feelings, is she really in love? or was she just really grateful for the maknae's affection?

"I don't know if I love her yet but it hurts seeing her with that guy, I don't know why I'm being so possessive over her. I literally had to keep myself in check when that guy greeted me, we ended up having the same class and it sucked even more because he sat next to me like we were fucking friends" The older girl laughed at her story. Her voice dripped with annoyance that Soojin understood just how much her cousin held herself back from socking the guy that she now considers as her mortal enemy. She made a mental note to praise the fiery girl later

"I heard from Minnie that you said to let Yuqi be, I'm also surprised you said that"

"I know that guy doesn't deserve Yuqi but he makes her happy, as much as it hurts, I meant what I said, she deserves someone who would look out for her the way she looks out for other people"

"You care for her a lot too, when are you going to tell her? You deserve her too Yeon, you both deserve each other" The girl only let out a chuckle, she wished she could believe the same thing but her brain is telling her otherwise "Jeon Soyeon, for a genius, you sure are dumb"

"I know"

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