That...Guy 🤢

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"So what do you want to do today?" Yukhei had taken Yuqi to the mall for their first date. Her friends (except Shuhua) didn't know how long the boy had been pursuing her. It was during her first year in school that she came to know Yukhei or Lucas as his friends like to call him. The boy bumped into him in the hallway making her drop her things like a cliche high school drama

Ever since that encounter, the boy would always strike up a conversation with her every chance he'd get. If you're going to ask her, Lucas would make a fine boyfriend material. He's kind and funny. He would go out of his way to help others and he's capable of many things but he's not what Yuqi's heart wants.

"Should we try the arcade?" Yukhei's eyes lit up at the suggestion of the younger girl. He asked nicely if he could hold her hand to which the girl reluctantly agreed. When they got to the arcade, they tried all of the games the shop had to offer and got pretty competitive all in good fun. It would be a lie if Yuqi didn't admit that the date she had was fun when she found herself constantly laughing at Yukhei's antics

"Thanks for today, Lucas, I had fun" Right now, they were in front of Yuqi's house. The girl insisted that she would just take a cab instead of making Yukhei drive when the cute girl's house is out of his way but Lucas remained adamant about driving her home leaving her no choice but to agree "Thanks for finally going out with me"

"Well, you were getting pretty annoying" Yuqi rolled her eyes playfully as Lucas acted hurt, his hands clutched his chest "That was painful, Yuqi-sshi"

"I told you, Yuqi's fine. Don't make it awkward sunbae-nim" Lucas pouted and held his hands up in surrender "Okay you win, see you tomorrow Yuqi"

After waving goodbye to Lucas as he drives away, Yuqi walked up to her room and plopped to her bed with a groan

"A guy? How come you've never told us?" Minnie quietly appeared before Yuqi with her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. "It's not that serious, besides, you guys keep bugging me about my love life"

"So you finally gave him a chance?" This time, it was Shuhua who entered the bedroom with a towel on her shoulder looking fresh from the shower. "FINALLY?? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T KNOW?"

"You're being hysterical, the others don't know as well. Only me" Shuhua replied nonchalantly as she stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, poking a tired Yuqi

"Who's that guy anyway?" Minnie joined the two younger girls on the bed and began to poke Yuqi in hopes of getting as many answers as she could. After all, the Chinese girl is who she considers being her younger sister.

"Wong Yukhei, Also Lucas" Minnie carelessly dropped her bag next to the seat beside Soyeon who was looking narrowly at everyone who looked her way. "That's the name of the boy who took Yuqi on a date yesterday"

Soyeon only shrugged "about time she went on one" Minnie whipped her head violently in her friend's direction. Right now, it was only the two of them at the bleachers as they wait for the others to arrive "About time? Are you serious?" Of course not. If it was up to her, she'd yank Yuqi away from that stupid-looking boy and beat him senseless just for touching and looking at her girl

But Yuqi wasn't hers. Yuqi was far from being hers. "Yeah, why not?"

"You know, of all people, I thought you'd be the one to be against it"

"If this is what she wants, shouldn't we support her as her friends?" Minnie rolled her eyes and huffed, she was visibly irked and possibly would be for the rest of the day if Miyeon doesn't show up anytime soon

Minnie wasn't blind when it comes to her friends, she knows how much love Yuqi has for the blonde girl but would never act on it out of fear. Soyeon on the other hand knows the girl feels the same way for the puppy but refuses to become attached for reasons she doesn't know

They're just too stubborn to confront their feelings and it's making Minnie lose her patience. There are times that she just wants to lock those two inside a room and wait until they've finally confessed to each other like those romance books but she knows it could backfire, with Soyeon's temper and Yuqi's shy behavior, it's just not a safe route

"I know but-"

"There are no buts, if she's happy, leave her be" With that, Soyeon ended the conversation and focused on her phone, her earphones already occupying her ears as she desperately tries to distract her head from various thoughts concerning the bubbly girl

She'd be lying if she didn't admit that it hurt when she saw Yuqi talking to that boy and smiling widely. It hurts seeing someone else make her happy aside from her and it bothers her. It bothered her so much that she suddenly threw her bag on the ground and huffed, shocking Minnie who was on the phone, whining to her girlfriend.

"Yah Jeon Soyeon, have you finally gone crazy?"

"Meet me at the bar after your club" With that, she stormed off leaving Minnie to wait for their other friends

"I better ask Miyeon" Dialling her girlfriend's number once more, Minnie asked for permission and promised to pass her mountain of homework right before the weekend in order to accompany her troubled friend

"Be careful okay? I won't be able to pick you guys up later, Mom wants me to accompany her to a party"

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