Loud Sisters

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"You didn't tell her?"

"Yeoreum and Yena appeared before I could do it" the pair plopped down on the bench, waiting for the other girls to appear. Since the start of their friendship, it was always Soyeon and Minnie who would come to school early, followed by Soojin and Shuhua then Yuqi, and the girl who is always late, Cho Miyeon.

"That's okay, you can try again but you better do it soon before someone snatches that puppy away" Minnie reaches for her drink and takes a couple of seconds sipping before clearing her throat "You know how she is, wherever she goes, she'll always get the attention of others. She's definitely born for the spotlight"

"She's definitely eye-catching" the two shared a laugh until they were interrupted with the others' arrival "About time you four got here" Minnie grumbled with a cute pout plastered on her lips, which quickly disappeared as her lips were met by the oldest who cooed at her girlfriend acting cute.

"Can you two not do that in front of us?" Shuhua rolled her eyes and pretended to puke, making exaggerated sounds

"You're just jealous Soojin-unnie won't kiss you in front of us" the second youngest retorted and that was how the two ended up in a shouting match before the two got dragged away for classes.

"One more word from you Song Yuqi, and I will tell everyone about that one time you-" Before the maknae could finish, Yuqi had already clamped a hand over the girl's mouth making her next words completely difficult to comprehend

"YEH SHUHUA YOU BETTER TELL US WHAT IT IS" but the Beijing puppy was already dragging Shuhua away in the direction of their classroom, still a hand clamped over the girl's mouth

"What was that all about?" the oldest asked, eyes looking for answers towards the blonde girl who only shrugged and picked her backpack from the bench, getting ready to leave for her class.

To the others, she might come off as if she didn't care but deep down inside, Jeon Soyeon was bothered as hell. Yuqi and her have always shared secrets between them, whether they be disgusting secrets or serious ones, they knew each other inside and out, or maybe Soyeon didn't? It was bugging her that Shuhua knew something that she didn't and the Beijing girl did not want her to know

'What was that about?'

"WHAT THE HELL YEH SHUHUA, YOU ALMOST OUTED ME" the girl only rolled her eyes and snickered at the whiny puppy in front of her. It was back in summer, just a couple of months before they started freshman high school that she first met the bright-eyed girl.


Shuhua was struggling to try to order something at a cafe due to her just recently moving from Taiwan and wasn't completely well-versed in basic Korean. The line was getting long and people were starting to get angry making her feel pressured and frustrated when the puppy came over to help her out.

Yuqi was working part-time and was just about to clock out when she saw the girl struggling to speak, she felt pissed at the man behind the girl who was almost shouting demanding for the young Taiwanese to pick up her pace "Hey, how can I help?"

The girl only looked lost and muttered a quiet "sorry" in her mother tongue. Yuqi recognized the language and her smile widened. It wasn't really that rare for Chinese people to come to Korea but it has been a long time since she remembered other people speaking in her mother tongue.


[trans: It's okay! I can help you]

Relief came through like a wave and Shuhua automatically felt like all the pressure that built-up disappeared, she managed to order the food she wanted through Yuqi's help and decided to invite the girl to thank her for her help.


[trans: Please, let me pay you back]


[trans: It's really not a problem, it's my job after all]

But after some insistent pleading, the Beijing puppy finally relented and joined Shuhua on a table after clocking out. It was an unexpected meeting but the two developed a sisterly bond and strengthened their relationship by sticking together through ups and downs. Although they fight and tease each other constantly, nothing beats the bond that the two has.

Flashback end-

"Chill out, I wasn't going to tell them, But now I might considering how long you're being indecisive" She picks up a piece of paper and began to fold it into a paper crane

"When are you going to tell unnie that you like her? She'll be off to college soon you know" The young girl's tone softened at the end. She knew how much pressure and anxiety the puppy was suffering from. She wanted to tell the composer how she feels about her before she leaves for college but she was scared about being rejected. 

"I know you're scared Yuqi-yah, I swear I was about to piss myself when I told Soojin-unnie about my feelings, but I knew that no matter what happens, she had to know how much I love her because I didn't want that moment to haunt me. I didn't want to live the next day after that night regretting that I didn't take the chance to admit my feelings. You have to push through the fear because whatever happens, the result would be satisfying. It doesn't matter if she rejects you, although that's highly impossible" the girl muttered but Yuqi was too into her thoughts to notice what the Taiwanese had mumbled

"What's important is you get your feelings across so you wouldn't have regrets,"

"Since when did you get poetic and all that?" Yuqi evaded a smack and chuckled at the maknae who was now whining about how everyone gets surprised whenever she says something serious but really, she was thankful for the little Taiwanese who always got her back.

"Hey, shu..."


"Thank you," With a soft smile, the young girl shook her head 

"I'll always have your back"

"Stop being sappy, it's weird"


They were the loud duo after all.

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