'It's now or never' - Jeon Soyeon

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A/N: Soyeon and Yuqi in learn way is y'all praying for them to finally get together

"I have an idea, how about you take her to the Han river? Surely she'll get a clue, that's where most couples go on dates, it could be a lowkey date if you want it to be" the Thai girl popped a fry into her mouth. It was currently lunch break and the other girls were nowhere to be found, except for the knowledge that Miyeon was called onto another meeting with the student council.

"Isn't that a bit too forward?" Soyeon stuttered. She blushed at the thought of her and Yuqi strolling along the Han river, hand-in-hand whilst teasing each other like an old married couple.

"It's not like you're going to make out with her in your bed" If Soyeon could topple the school's famed dancer without getting any consequences, she would've already flipped the table and her dearest cousin along with it.

"Please," the Thai girl drawled out as she stirs her drink

"We all know that Soyeon's too shy to even kiss Yuqi anywhere but her forehead"

Soojin snickered but kept her eyes on her phone, she was too preoccupied with a certain Taiwanese girl who kept sending her cute videos of her doing aegyo and photos of her eating

'That's strike 2, Seo Soojin'

"Are you implying that I'm old-fashioned?" Soyeon spent the whole hour getting berated by Minnie and getting teased by Soojin, she was not about to let them get on her nerves even more

"No, I'm saying you lack guts"

'Think happy thoughts, Jeon Soyeon' The blonde girl closed her eyes and took deep breaths, the Thai girl was ranting in the background while the girl on the opposite side was staring at her screen, cheeks red, with a stupid, dopey smile on her face that she tried to hide but failed to do so.

'What makes you happy? Think happy thou-' Soyeon jumped from her seat at the sound of loud banging on the table "HEY GIRL, WHAT'S UP GIRL"

It was none other than the resident loud puppy, Song Yuqi. trailing behind her was their (also loud) maknae who was holding a paper bag containing cookies that she baked and proudly showed off.

"Does this mean I can finally retire from cooking for you?" the dancer teased, earning a loud whine from her girlfriend. "DON'T YOU DARE, SEO SOOJIN"


"ARE YOU CALLING MY COOKING TERRIBLE, YEH SHUHUA?" the Han girl argued, a hand on her chest, looking like her puppy just got insulted

"No, but it's definitely lacking"

This was a normal occurrence that the students have gotten used to the loud voices in the cafeteria which mostly belonged to the two adorable puppies that are Song Yuqi and Yeh Shuhua so nobody really paid full attention, albeit there were some casual quick glances, after all, they were a group of good-looking girls,

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