Enhypen Play Superlatives

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One, Two, Connect! Hello, we are Enhypen!

Hi, I'm Jungwon

Hi, I'm Heeseung

Hello, my name is jay

Hi, I'm Jay

Hi, I'm Sunghoon

Hi, I'm Sunoo

Hi, I'm Luna

Hi, I'm Ni-ki

"And today we are here with seventeen to play superlatives" announced Jake.

Who's the bravest?

The members argued for a while before ultimately choosing Sunoo as the bravest.

Who's the funniest?

1,2,3. All the members choose Heeseung.

"Every time this question is asked we always pick Heeseung," said Luna looking at the camera.

Who's the sweetest?

" I'm not sure about this one," said Jungwon

"I know who I'm gonna pick," said Jay

1,2,3. The members all chose differently but Jake had the most votes.

"Sunoo why do you always pick yourself, " asked Luna looking at him. Sunoo had picked himself for all of the previous questions.

"There's a reason as to why Jake is the sweetest" stated Heeseung looking at Jake.

"Why?" Spoke Jake turning his head to look at Heeseung.

"It's because when we're done for the day he will cook us instant ramen" stated Heeseung. All the members laughed at his response.

Who's the best dancer?

"Oh, this is so easy," said Luna.

1,2,3. All the members point to Ni-ki including Ni-ki himself.

"See even he knows it" stated Luna.

"You can check through videos" added Jake.

Who has the most aegyo?

1,2,3. The members choose Sunno.

"Why did you choose me," Luna asked Sunoo.

"Relatively besides me, Luna is the member who does the most aegyo" Sunoo explained.

"That's right Luna has been doing a lot of aegyo recently" added Ni-ki.

Who's the best cook?

"Out of all the members I and Jay are the only ones that cook," said Jake.

"Jay cooks for us 90% of the time, so I chose him" explained Luna.

Who takes the most selfies?

1,2,3. Members chose Sunoo.

"He even chose himself" laughed Luna.

Who's the best at keeping secrets?

1,2,3. The members all pick Heeseung.

"Why me," said Heeseung shocked.

"Because you listen to the members well " spoke Jungwon

Who talks the most?

LUNA --- 8th member of EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now