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Since the other members had already been introduced, Luna was the last to go

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Since the other members had already been introduced, Luna was the last to go. She proclaimed, "Save the best for  last good choice." Luna performed a cartwheel as she entered the frame of the camera, surprising the group and staff. She responded, "Oops," realizing that while performing the cartwheel, her sunglasses had dislodged. She knelt down, scooped them up, styled her hair, and then put her sunglasses on.


On the count of three all members revealed the card they chose to each other. Luna chose the vintage shop so she was in a team with Jay, Heeseung, and Sunoo.

"The four of us chose vintage shop" explained Jay as the four grouped together.

"Oh really"

"Nice" responded Luna, a little hard to hear as the other team was very excited and making a lot of noise.


The group had already arrived at the store and was browsing the clothes. Luna quietly browsed the clothing. When she was unable to locate anything she liked, she moved to a different area of the store. She went back to searching through the clothing. A staff member called out, "Luna," catching her attention. Usually, when her name was called out during filming, it meant that she hadn't spoken to the camera in a while.

Luna reached through the pile of clothing and pulled out a pair of overalls, saying, "Oh, this would look so cute on Sunoo." Before snatching up the overalls and carrying on with the hunt, she didn't have to give it much thought.

"Guys," she said, drawing the attention of the other three.

While she awaited the others' responses, Luna remarked, "This would look cute on Sunoo, right?"

"The overalls match with the shirt," said Jay, startled as he held up the garment he found and showed it off to everyone.

Everybody agreed, including Sunoo. He took his clothing and entered the changing area to try them on.

As he walked out with the garment on, Sunoo declared, "I'm wearing it."

As she studied the appearance, Luna said, "Ahhh Cute."

Heeseung and Jay moved in the direction of Sunoo and Luna.  "I really feel like I'm in the 1990s,"

The Others laughed at Heeseungs comment.

All of the members, including Luna, were styled by Jay, who was the stylist.

"I'm done," Luna took cautious steps as she left the dressing room, concentrating on turning on her microphone. When she was able, she spoke with a staff member.


Luna said, turning her body a little to the right and beckoning the staff to show Jay the clothes he had chosen

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Luna said, turning her body a little to the right and beckoning the staff to show Jay the clothes he had chosen.

"I like it, but instead-" once done with the mic he stood in front of Luna and grabbed her tie "you should loosen the tie" he finished doing so while speaking.

He stepped back and examined her from head to toe. "Nice, two down, two more to go," Jay high fived Luna before moving onto Heeseung.


Jay was done with Heeseungs outfit now he just needs to find his own outfit thankfully the other three members helped.

Sunoo and Luna used the mirror adjacent to the dressing room to take pictures while they waited for Jay while Heeseung remained to the side, declining to participate in the photo-taking.

The four posed for photos while making silly expressions as Jay finished. The ultimate price of the clothing was

Heeseung - 120,000 won
Sunoo - 230,000 won
Jay - 120,000
Luna - 152,000 won


LUNA --- 8th member of EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now