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At this point it was obvious that we liked hanging out with each other, it was an Wednesday afternoon. We sat in my car drinking milkshakes, telling each other stupid shit, trying our best to try to out win each other joke. She would talk about our plans out loud not a care in the world at school so others could hear. She had us waking early to watch the sunset, dumb corny shit like that.

I think the cuddling that happened on Monday brought us closer. Well the part where we both said we were going to be there for each other not the cuddling. My windshield was now carrying droplets of rain, in the distance lightly struck causing chills to run up my spine, Ivy just seemed to enjoy it. She's weird like that, we all know that.

"Since you're always sleeping in my bed, when can I come over and do the same?" I asked, it took her awhile to think "tomorrow" she finalized "that would be enough time for you to clean your room" I nodded, she lightly shoved me "shut up, my room is always clean" "that's false and I can back that up with your binder being gross" I made a face, she rolled her eyes "whatever ugly" she turned her face towards the window.

"Are we waking up early tomorrow?" I asked, she started to shake her head "not until next week, admit it" she quickly turned.

"Seeing the sunrise is beautiful" "yeah" I turned myself away "stop being so shy about it" she poked my side, causing me to jump a little. "Did you know Julian asked me out the other day" she leaned back "really? What did you say" "I said no but I'm thinking about it" my eyes widen at the response. He was talking about her? Thinking about it?

"You said no already.." "yeah.." "And you're thinking about giving him a chance?" I dragged. She slowly said yeah "Ivy you're force feeding yourself the idea of liking him, if he couldn't respect your current bourdains can you imagine what else they can't take no for answer? That's a red flag" I finally let out, her lips were pushed to the side as she sat and said nothing because I was right.

"And it's not just that but you're also just dating to date.. get a cool and nice dude" I finished, now it was just awkward I think I kinda hurt a little. "Uhhh" she started to speak "you're right, it's kinda scary" she forced a laugh out. I didn't say anything, gross I hate him. All he wants is to get in her pants, I bet he was manipulative about it as well..

"Don't you love the rain?" Ivy randomly brought up "kinda" I scratched my neck, I hated it. She rolled the window down sticking her arm out, feeling the droplets against her skin. I watched as she took everything in, the smell,the feeling of the rain. The clouds, the rumbling from the lightning. Everything.

She finally stuck her hand back in rolling the window back up, I was about to ask what the whole thing was about but I didn't feel like asking I know she'll reveal.

"I love the feeling of the raindrops against my skin, it reminds me how alive I am and I love the smell as well" she held the smile a bit longer "and at the end there's always a rainbow, I hate how corny it sounds but I love it all. It always excitements me, gives me hope" she was now wiping her hand "that's sweet" I managed to say, I didn't view as that. I just found them very annoying but this is different.

"I like to think pain is beautiful as well-" she started to laugh, I could feel a smile growing on my lips. "Pain?" I questioned "yeah, well I mean at the end of the day you end up growing and becoming something bigger and better. I like to think you're not going through it for no reason" she was now clutching on her necklace before starting to play with it.

"Ivy your very interesting" I crossed my arms over my chest "but I mean it in a cool way" I rested my head on her shoulder, she started to play with my hair I liked it when she did that. I tilted my head towards her neck and let out a sigh, Ivy squirm letting out a low laugh "don't do that" she pushed my head gently "what?you're ticklish?" "yeah"she smiled.

I moved back onto my seat "its starting to get warm, that means we can have your picnic" I randomly mentioned "oh wow, you remembered" "you were excited about it"I turned she smiled nodding her head as she started to run her fingers over my rings "would you wear a ring if I got you one?" "Of course, if it's not ugly" I smirked she rolled her eyes "you're annoying now"she said as I squinted my eyes at her before we both laughed. I think she's falling for me too, unless I'm reading the room wrong. I just wanted to lean over and lay a kiss on her lips..

I stared over at her, looking at small details of her. I couldn't help but lean towards her, what am I doing? What if she's not interested. This is stupid. I rested my head on her shoulder and once again she started to play with my hair.

Ivy's POV

"So anything new with you and Vinnie?" Delilah asked over the FaceTime call, I shrugged "I mean he's coming over tomorrow"'I said while laying in my bed.

Delilah stayed quiet for a bit before starting to speak again "do you have plan?" She carefully asked "of course I do, my mom isn't going to be home. My dad shift changed so he gets out of work at 12, I'm prepared. I'm looking forward because I'm going to try on some face mask on him" I smiled, she chuckled "perfect, I hope you two have fun" she winked.

"Shut up, I don't even wanna think that" I felt my cheeks flustered with embarrassment. "I mean he is cute but I'm not his type" I sighed while staring at the cute plant he picked out for me "how do you know?" She asked "you don't know his type, I mean have you brought up the topic to him?" "No.. but I mean I could tomorrow I just know I don't have any of the qualities."

"I think he's into you.." "you don't know that, have you asked?" I made a face making her laugh. "No but I can see it in his eyes, next time you talk to him look him the eyes and you'll understand what I'm talking about" "I don't because I always do, I hold eye contact with him" I do like him, and having this small crush on him was a bit fun because it's been awhile since I had one.. but it was also terrifying because I'll be crushed if he ended up with a girlfriend. Just imagining a girl pulling him away from me did get me jealous.

"Come on, he's always a smiling mess around you. When have you seen Vinnie smile?" She asked I shrugged, thinking for a bit I mean she was right but feeding me this hope was dangerous. I didn't want to end up crying one night because of him, there's so many other things I had to worry this crushing mess shouldn't be apart of it.

"I don't know but he's nice to everyone" I shrugged "come on, you rejected Chris. I think it would be nice if you had fun in the love world, it would be interesting to see you and Vinnie together" "I don't think the world is ready to see that" I joked.

"I think you're right, you two would be too powerful. Think about it!" She said making us both laugh. I would adore holding his hand, having endless nights were im wrapped in his arms feeling safe as he smiled down at me giving me small kisses.

I threw myself back on my bed, falling deeply in love with the idea of a relationship with him.

"Make a move on him, before it's too late" "I don't.. I just don't want to ruin our friendship" I sadly confessed. Imagining a small kiss from him made my stomach hurt and blush like crazy.

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