Matching rings.

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"Well that's good to hear." Sirius smiled at you and you took a sip of your butter beer.

"So what else are we supposed to do today?"

"I was supposed to plan. Shit..."

"No you weren't but I don't even have an idea." You laughed.

"I don't know we could really go anywhere."

"Well then let's do that. We will just walk around and see where our feet take us."

"I like that idea."

The two of you sat there for a moment longer sipping on your butter beers until they were completely gone. You linked your fingers with his and walked out of the three broomsticks beginning to walk around and just look at everything.

"I still can't believe you had a whole plan just to date me and know it's finally happening we're just walking around."

"Worth it." He said swinging your hands foreword.

All the sudden a idea popped into your head and you were determined to do it.

"Follow me." You said and led him out of the wizard area of London.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise I can't tell you."

"You do know where we're going right?"

"Of course I do. I'm not going to lead you somewhere random."

You stopped right in front of a muggle video star.

"What in this place."

"Vinyls for a record player I thought we could look around. You never know what muggle vinyls you don't know exist until you see them."


Sirius spent the whole day looking at vinyls with you and he seemed to be having the most fun of his life. At the end of the day he pulled a small box.

"I got you something."

"You didn't have to Siri." You smiled. "Being with you is gift enough."

"I got us matching rings I know you like the color black because it goes with everything and is just very pretty to you." You smiled at his attention to detail."also probably because it's my last name." He smirked "so I got you one with a black stone and mine is just a black band." He said handing you the ring.

"I love it Sirius thank you so much. I'm never going to take it off."

"I'm glad." He said as you and him began walking home.

"If it isn't the two lovebirds night light and light bulb." James taunted at the two of you as you entered the house.

"James... I thought I told you we weren't going to call them that anymore." Remus sighed looking defeated.

"That's alright Remus as a matter of fact I'm very proud to have the title of lightbulb."

"Yes their very fragile just like you." You smiled squeezing his hand.

"You did not just say that to me y/n." He laughed

"What if I did."

"Then you will be sleeping in the dog house."

"That's like a mansion for my hummingbird self."

"She's right Sirius that's not much of a punishment." Remus laughed.

"Alright guys let's leave him alone." You laughed and sat down with Sirius making sure to keep your hand interlaced with his.

The last thing you wanted was for him to feel bad about the whole night light thing. Having nightmares didn't seem like the type of thing Sirius would flaunt about. He was a proud person and this might make him feel bad so you just wanted to reassure him.

"I hope you know all you have to say is stop and I'll tell at them." You whispered in his year while James and Remus were busy talking ahhhh James' obsession with lily.

"I know love." He smirked.

"Is that a ring y/n?! And Sirius?!"

"Yes they are promise rings. FYI Potter lily might like one of them."

"Oh my goodness. I seriously have to write that down."

He said running upstairs to which you and the boys followed him. He had pulled out a notebook and began writing the words promise ring.

"With their Potter you can't even make fun of the light bulb thing." You said looking at all the JP+LE sketches and notes about what not to do next time he asked her out.

"Oh leave me alone will you."

"Look who wanted to be left alone know the famous JP." Sirius laughed.

"You guys suck." James laughed at all of you and tucked the journal away.

Surely enough a few days later James had come home with a small ring box. A ring box which contained a red stone.

"I figured because she's a Gryffindor and her hair is red the color would work nicely with her you know? You know her best y/n do you think she will like it." He said looking at you hopefully where you were sitting next to Sirius and Remus.

"I think she will like it. I also didn't know you were such a fashion bug I think that ring will go nice with her outfits and hair. Might even make her eyes pop. Although green and red doesn't seem the most usual so maybe stick with the outfits until you know for sure." You laughed.

"Look who the fashion bug is know. When is lily coming?"

"I'm going to have to wait for school to start up again." James said sadly flopping down on the couch. "How will I ever go so long without seeing her."

"I know it ducks James but-"

"Shhh don't even say anything else Sirius. You have no idea." James fake sobbed. "Y/n has been crashing at my place for the last week. She's been with you."

"True." Sirius smirked at you.

"I would smirk back Sirius but I'm afraid it might scare you off." You laughed quickly kissing him.

"I doubt that."

"You doubt a lot of things that are true." You shrugged laughing.

A/n: hey guys. I'm so sorry I haven't updated any of my books recently. It's just been very busy and stressful with school and I've been trying to finish the HP books. I've also been working on a killian jones fanfic I don't even know if I'm going to post it's all very straining so please forgive me.

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