Chapter 8

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Rosepaw came back from hunting with her mentor, Shadowpaw, and his mentor. Her jaws were full of prey. She and Shadowpaw had a competition on who could catch the most and she won. Cloudberry seemed impressed by her hunting skills.

"Well done today Rosepaw! I'll give you the day off since you must be tired from running around the whole forest to the lake and back." Cloudberry said happily and a bit annoyed. Rosepaw nodded and put her prey in the fresh-kill pile with Shadowpaw. She spotted Frozenpaw grumpily going to the apprentices den and went after her.

"What's up with your mood today, Frozenpaw?"

"Shut up, Rosepaw."

"Woah! was a hard day for me, so Cloudberry said I could rest. He's SUPER nice!"

"Good to know." Frozenpaw curled up into her nest. Rosepaw could tell she was really annoyed know so she decided to leave her alone. She glanced outside surprised.

"Oh, StarClan! It's sundown already? Goodness, I told him I'd meet him be there by now!" She rushed out and made an excuse to the guard that she was going hunting. The guard was confused but didn't argue. 

Darkpaw was already there when she arrived. He turned around the moment she came. 

"Ha! Can't surprise me now!" He smirked. Rosepaw rolled her eyes. 

"Hey, did ya know what happened today?" She led him to a small cave and told him all about the hunting competition. She was pleased when he congratulated her. Then, he told her about his day and they shared many stories. 

"You know... I think Frozenpaw and Lionpaw might like each other. Don't tell them I told you that!" Rosepaw said. Darkpaw raised his eyebrows. "Really!? Makes sense now that you say it..." She nodded. Just then, she heard a twig break. It sounded like someone padding towards them.

"Quick! Hide!" She dragged the tom into an abandoned fox den and hid. Darkpaw complained quietly but Rosepaw ignored him. She stared outside and saw a white she-cat padding into the cave. She gasped when she realized it was Frozenpaw. She must have seen me come here!  Once Frozenpaw left, they came out and went back into the cave. 

"Hello, little love birds." Frozenpaw stepped out from a bush and approached them

They stopped and jolted away from each other, staring at her.

"You followed me! Stalker!" Rosepaw glared at her, inching closer to Darkpaw.

"Darkpaw, what are you two doing?"

"None of your business." Darkpaw glared at Frozenpaw. Rosepaw's heart was beating fast. What if Frozenpaw tells the whole Clan? 

"I think it IS my business to know why you two are out at night." Frozenpaw replied. Darkpaw growled stepping forward in a protective way. 

"Frozenpaw, it was nothing. We were just... training." Rosepaw told her. 

"Sure didn't sound like it."

"Fine. We weren't. But its not any different than what you and Lionpaw do." Darkpaw challenged. Frozenpaw's eyes became wide. Rosepaw stared at Darkpaw. Is that how he truly sees this as...? A few moments went by where no one spoke. 

"Rosepaw, Darkpaw, if you don't tell anyone about me and Lionpaw, I won't say anything about you guys. Deal?" Frozenpaw finally said. Rosepaw and Darkpaw glanced at each and agreed. Then, all three apprentices silently went back to their den. Frozenpaw went to her nest and fell asleep immediately. Rosepaw gave Darkpaw a quick lick and curled into her nest. Darkpaw's face became bright red and he shoved his face into his nest in embarrassment. Rosepaw snickered and she heard Darkpaw growling. That mousebrain! 

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