Chapter 11

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"Rosepaw, wake up." A voice murmured and she woke up. She saw Cloudberry ducking his head in the apprentice's den. She yawned and got up. She noticed Darkpaw was still sleeping and decided not to wake him up. She padded out and Cloudberry explained what to do.

"Okay. Go to the medicine cat den to get check for any scratches or wounds. Then, get some prey. We'll be training the whole day so make sure it'll keep you full." Rosepaw nodded and he padded away. 

"Rosepaw! Do you want to share my rabbit?" She turned around and saw Frozenpaw. 

Rosepaw frowned. "Well, I guess that is a big rabbit. Darkpaw, do you want some?" She didn't want Frozenpaw to think she had completely forgiven her so she called into the apprentice's den. Darkpaw agreed, and then Rosepaw turned back to Frozenpaw, mewing, "Darkpaw wants to, so I will." She crouched on the other side of the rabbit and waited for Darkpaw. When he came, they started eating. It was becoming awkward so she decided to start a conversation.

"So, you FINALLY realized we're together?" Rosepaw laughed, "We've been together for a while n-" A loud screech interrupted her sentence. She whirled around to see an orange she-cat standing at the entrance of the camp. It wasn't just any cat. It was Amberstar. 

"All my warriors! ATTACK!" 

DarkClan warriors were running toward them and her Clanmates. Pearlstrike, who was guarding the entrance, ran from the DarkClan cats to ensure his safety. Rosepaw's eyes widened with fear. No! We were supposed to attack in 3 days! Not now! Argh! 

Just then, she saw Barkwing, a tan DarkClan tom, racing up to them, his eyes filled with hate. She leaped to the right and avoided him. Darkpaw had done the same but to the left and Frozenpaw was still standing there. She watched horrified as Barkwing leaped onto the white she-cat. She was about to help when Frozenpaw suddenly started giving him harsh blows. Hmm she's fine on her own. I should go help my Clan. Rosepaw decided. She found Gravelstorm pinning Shadowpaw to the ground and rushed to help. She leaped onto the warrior's back and dug her claws in. He screeched with pain and jumped off Shadowpaw. He tried shaking her loose and it worked. She flew off his back and landed on the hard ground. He snarled and scratched her making blood pour out. She struggled but couldn't do anything. Shadowpaw got up and tried giving some weak blows at his back. Gravelstorm turned his head to face the apprentice. Rosepaw took this distraction as a chance to attack and gave a hard strike at his exposed belly. Gravelstorm gasped as blood gushed out and he collapsed on the ground. Shadowpaw's jaw hung open staring at her. Looks like all those training sessions helped after all!

"Quit staring...and... get your wounds...healed." Rosepaw ordered panting. He hesitated but eventually ran off. She looked for another opponent but the battle was slowly dying. She gasped and she saw Frozenpaw pinning down the DarkClan leader. How did she do that... I was never able to even get her to stumble during my training sessions!  As Rosepaw got closer, she could her them talking.

"What are you waiting for kittypet? Finish me off!" Amberstar snarled.

Frozenpaw shook her head. "The warrior code says you don't have to kill to win a battle. I'll let you go but remember, don't EVER attack my Clan again." Rosepaw beamed at Frozenpaw's wise words. Then, Frozenpaw hopped off of Amberstar letting her get up. Amberstar scrambled to her paws and glared at her with cold eyes. She glanced back at the commotion and chaos and closed her eyes.

"Oh, kittypet. This isn't the last time we'll meet. And next time, you won't end the fight ALIVE."

Amberstar turned away and addressed her Clan, "Retreat DarkClan! This is not over yet! Retreat, back to camp!" The DarkClan cats stopped confused but followed their leaders orders and rushed back to camp. Rosepaw saw a warrior help Gravelstorm. She thought proudly of how she made him in that state. She suddenly realized how many wounds she had and headed to the medicine cat den. She saw tons of warriors inside and sat at the entrance waiting. Once some of the warriors left, she went in.

"Hello Rosep- Oh StarClan! Looks like you fought a badger on your own!" Gingerleaf commented. 

"Yea kinda..." 

"Come sit down here. I'll get your wound dressed in no time. Then, you can go rest." She nodded and plopped down where the medicine cat told her to. She noticed that a few herbs were scattered on the floor and nothing was left where they should be.

"Umm... did something happen to the herbs?" She asked confused.

"Those DarkClan mousebrains took them." He growled. He put on some cobwebs and other herbs that were left on Rosepaw. She didn't recognize any of them. After a while, he finished and she slowly went to the apprentice's den. She saw Silverpaw and Frozenpaw enter the medicine cat den with their jaws full of herbs. She was too tired to say anything to them so she just went into the apprentice's den and laid down carefully to make sure the wounds don't get opened again. As she settled down, she saw Stonepaw come in.

"Hey Rosepaw! Looks like you go some pretty bad wounds." He said glancing at her.

"Not any worse than yours." She said pointing at him. He nodded.

"Well we should get some sleep. Good night!"

"Good night!"

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