Chapter 22

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Rosemoon carefully groomed her belly making sure not to hurt her kits. They were just about ready to come out. She had gone to the medicine cat den a quarter moon after joining the nursery and Silverleaf had announced her kits were coming soon. Since then, Darkclaw was constantly bothering her. He would bring prey, give her more moss, force her to rest, and so on. I can't even argue! She finished up by drawing a paw over her ear. Rosemoon curled her tail around her and watched the kits play. 

"Stay back, you evil DarkClan warrior!" Whitekit playfully growled, his eyes gleaming in excitement.

"Never!" Snowkit yowled back and leaped onto her brother. Together, they both rolled on the ground squeaking happily. Rosemoon purred watching them. It reminded her of when she was a kit and would play around with her littermates. She missed those fun, carefree times. It all went downhill after those fleabrained twolegs came. She sighed sadly. 

Rosemoon was about to get up and get some prey when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She yelped and immediately crouched back down. She was internally screaming. The two kits paused their game and ran to the nursery. Icefur came rushing out seconds later. She gently nudged her to the nursery with Silverleaf right behind. She heard the medicine cat mumbling something about Stonepelt and barely getting to talk to him. On any other occasion, Rosemoon would've teased her about her crush but when her stomach was going to explode any minute now. 

 She laid down on her nest and felt a slight movement inside her. She gritted her teeth as the motion continued. Silverleaf sat in front of her and instructed her to take deep breaths. Gingerleaf was crouched next to her, just in case Silverleaf needed assistance. He was slightly awkward around them ever since they learned he was their dad. 

"MOOVE I'M TRYING TO GET THROUGH!" A voice yelled outside the entrance. Rosemoon glanced to see Darkclaw arguing with Icefur. "Not right now. Only medicine cats allowed." The queen calmly told him and guided him out, followed by her kits. Goldenkit, however, remained by Rosemoon's side. She looked terrified and confused by the commotion but silently watched. 

"Okay, I think there's three. Get ready. CAN SOMEONE BRING THE STICK? I ASKED FOR IT A WHILE AGO!" Silverleaf let out a small growl as a warrior quickly dropped a stick and left. "Grab onto this and bite down when the kit comes out." Rosemoon nodded and took it in her jaws. Silverleaf placed a gentle paw on her stomach and she felt more ripples. I hope it doesn't hurt that mu- Her thoughts were interrupted by the most painful thing she experienced. She bit down hard onto the stick to the point it cracked. The medicine cat pushed down to help the kit out. She felt like screaming and breaking something, then crunched more on the half-broken stick. 

"Here comes the next one." Another spasm of pain went through her whole body. It hurt just as much as the last one but she was prepared this time. She hoped this would be the last kit. Unfortunately, a third one came as well sending another burst. "Okay, that's the last one. Congratulations!" Silverleaf announced happily and Rosemoon sighed in relief.

The medicine cat nudged the three, mewling kits toward Rosemoon and they immediately latched on to suckle. Rosemoon wrapped a tail around them to keep them warm. The medicine cats slipped out while she started grooming her newborns. As she continued, she was able to see their pelts better. The first one was a ginger she-kit, the second was a silver she-kit with gray stripes along her back and lastly, there was a cream-colored tom with brown along his back. 

Darkclaw came barging in seconds later with Whitekit and Snowkit behind him. All three stared in amazement at the kit. The two kits were then moved away by their mother, including Goldenkit, so she could rest. They all groaned but didn't argue. Darkclaw curled up next to her and licked her forehead. 

"They're all so beautiful." He murmured giving the kit a lick too before adding, "Though, I would've preferred if they all had my amazing looks." Rosemoon rolled her eyes and gave a loud, annoyed sigh. Her mate chuckled and both of them watched the kits in silence. Eventually, the three of them grew tired and squeezed together for a nap. The orange she-kit flopped onto the tom, who let out an unhappy mew, while the third kit snuggled closer to her mother. 

"Soo... what should we name them?" Darkclaw said, breaking the quiet. Rosemoon thought about it. She glanced at her kits. The orange she-kit had a pelt similar to her own. However, she didn't have any spots. It reminded her of a sunrise. 

"Let's call her Amberkit." Rosemoon decided. Darkclaw nodded in approval. He then turned his gaze to the brown tom who had managed to squeeze out. 

"How about we call the tom Brownkit?" Darkclaw suggested with a proud grin. Rosemoon didn't look as happy.

"Seriously? Brownkit? Come on, be more creative!" 

"Rude, but fine." 

"Well, it's not my fault you didn't give a second thought when naming our kit."

"Okay, Okay. What about Birchkit?" He suggested, rolling his eyes. 

"I like that name. How about the third one?" Rosemoon tilted her head at the dozing gray kit. Both of them pondered what she should be called until Rosemoon had an idea. "How does Mistykit sound?" 

"Perfect!" Darkclaw answered then got to his feet. "I should let you four get some rest. "Goodbye!" He whispered and nuzzled his new kits' forehead. The only one who reacted to any of that was Amberkit who let out an annoyed meow. Rosemoon smiled and quietly replied farewell to her mate. She then rested her chin down on the rim of her nest. She gave her kits one last, long look before closing her eyes. It definitely wasn't going to be easy raising triplets but was it ever easy for her? She reflected on all of the struggles she faced in the past moons. Somehow, with the help of her Clanmates, she got through them. It'll hopefully be fine this time, too. It'll be alright. Whatever happens next, I'll be ready for it.


(I know I suck at endings :'D)

well anyway, hope it was ok lol I'm also making a story for amberkit's adventures and stuff so that's gonna exist. as usual, i shall update as slow as possible /j

but actually, imma try to be more active

see ya 

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