Chapter 5

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A few days passed and now Rosepaw felt better. Silverpaw filled her in on what happened while she was sleeping.

"...And then, Lilystar sent out a patrol to find Amberpelt because she said that Amberpelt isn't super loyal. I'm sure you know that because you're her apprentice. After that, the Clan went hunting and did other normal Clan stuff. Oh! I forgot to the tell you the BEST part: ME AND GINGERLEAF FOUND BURDOCK ROOT IN A NEW PLACE!!" Silverpaw told her enthusiastically. Rosepaw would rather have heard it without every single detail but it was fine. 

"Oook. Thanks Silverpaw for that..story. I'm gonna go out for now." Silverpaw nodded and Rosepaw padded out of the medicine den. Her wounds were completely healed now. She sat down by the Great Oak worried. Who will be my mentor now? Will I get to continue training? WHAT IF LILYSTAR SAYS I CAN'T-  Her thoughts were interrupted by Frozenpaw.

"What's wrong, Rosepaw?" Frozenpaw asked her.

"Amberpelt, she..she was my mentor! What will I do now? I want to train!" Rosepaw told her nervously.

"And you will," said a voice behind them. Rosepaw peeked behind Frozenpaw and saw Lilystar padding up with another warrior.

"Cloudberry will be your mentor until Amberpelt is back." Lilystar told her smiling. Cloudberry was really nice compared to Amberpelt. Rosepaw glanced at two of them excited. I get to keep training! 

"Actually...can he be my mentor FOREVER? Amberpelt's a little mean."

"Sure, but for now I suggest you two get to know each other a little more."

"Want to hunt, Rosepaw?" Cloudberry asked her in a friendly voice. Rosepaw nodded excitedly and immediately followed him out. 

By the time they came home, it was dark. Rosepaw caught two mice and her mentor got a fat thrush. Rosepaw purred happily since this was the best hunting trip she even went on. She proudly put her prey down and looked up at her new mentor. 

"Great job today Rosepaw! You may eat now." Cloudberry nodded and padded away. Rosepaw picked one of the mice she caught and went to Silverpaw to eat with her. 

"Hi Rosepaw! How'd hunting go? I heard Cloudberry was your new mentor. How is he? I bet he's  WAYYYYY better than Amberpelt-" 

"Hold on! One question at a time!" Silverpaw laughed and continued asking questions while Rosepaw tried her best to answer. After some time, Gingerleaf came back from getting herbs and ordered the two of them to go to their dens and sleep. They nodded and quickly went. Rosepaw yawned and curled up in her nest in the apprentices den. She saw Frozenpaw look up at her and started going to her. She guessed that Frozenpaw wanted to say some apology or something about Cherrypaw. Rosepaw turned her head the other way and closed her eyes. She could tell Frozenpaw was disappointed but she didn't care. I'm not letting my sister's death which was probably caused by Frozenpaw get in the way of me FINALLY enjoying being an apprentice.

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