Part two

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I guess kyler and Sam started a rumor about me and how I "hooked up with Eli". It's not that I minded the rumors, it's that my mom found out and I got grounded for a month.
The next day when I got to lunch there was a new kid sitting at our table, his name was Miguel and he was talking to us about the new dojo he just joined, when he said it was called cobra Kai, I knew what my plan was. If you haven't already figured it out, Daniel is my uncle, he hates anything and everything about cobra Kai, and he hates my guts, so I decided that I was gonna join.
After school I went down to the dojo and saw who I figured was none other than Johnny Lawrence. I walked over to him and introduced myself, "hi I'm Annie" I tried to say it sweet so it seemed like I was a soft girl to see if he would under estimate me, and boy did it work. "There are no girls in cobra Kai" Johnny said, then Miguel came out of the main office and said "oh hey Annie, so you decided to join" "wait is this the girl you were talking about , I thought you said that she was a bad ass" Johnny said laughing. I punched him in the face and replied back with "looks can be deceiving, can't they" after that he said "welcome to cobra Kai Annie.

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