Part 24 ;-;

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My mom came and picked me up about an hour later, "hey mom.." she hugged me, "I am so so incredibly sorry honey, I should have never sent you there" I hugged her back, "mom, it's ok" she started crying, "we're gonna go somewhere special, somewhere I know you've wanted to go to for a few months" we pulled up to the dojo.
I got out of the car and walked in, I saw hawk, I ran to him and jumped into his arms. "Hi baby" he said, I kissed him, then he put me down. "Hello ms. Edwards" kreese said in his scary ass voice, "nice tattoo" hawk said pointing at the semicolon on my middle finger, "thanks buba" "hey bitch" Tory said smiling, "enough with the reunion" kyler said annoyed, I kissed hawk one more time then walked to my spot.
When karate was over I noticed that my mom wasn't waiting in the parking lot like she normally did, I didn't think much of it and went to hawk's house. "Hey Annie, it's great to see you!" "You too ms. Moskowitz" I smiled and waved then went up to hawk's room. He turned on IT and I fell asleep within 15 minutes.
The next day I put on some bell bottoms, a black tank top with a white shirt underneath, and my air force 1's. We got on hawk's motorcycle and went to school.

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