Part 22

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I hung up, "you go girl" Ty said, he tried calling every day to try and get a hold of me, I finally called his mom, "oh hey Annie, do you know why Eli keeps saying that he fucked up" "no idea" I was too busy with my friends to worry about what the dip shit had to say, besides if he cheated on me with moon, I must be too good for him, "hey so for our night off I heard that there's a party, y'all wanna go?" I asked, "I can't" Ty said kinda sadly, "I'm booked" Taylor said, "alright well I'm leaving in 20, will y'all help me pick out an outfit, moon and hawk are supposed to be there" "oooo, so you wanna show him what he can't have 😌" " yes ma'am"
I came out of my room in a hot pink fitted short leather dress, gold hoops and some acrylic heels. Ty looked me up and down, "damn girl, go get your mans back" I smiled and walked out to my car. When I got to the party I walked in and everyone froze, their jaws dropped, hawk walked out of a room looking stressed, "Annie I can explain everything" "alright just let us find a more private room" I decided to give him a second chance, I knew I loved him, I can't like without him. We walked into a random room and sat on the bed, "so what the hell happened was, Sam told me to never call you or else she would tell your mom" I started to feel bad, "so what about moon" "moon was in on it too, she said that if I didn't tell you and everyone else that we slept together she would start a rumor that you cheated on me with demitri" I didn't know if I should believe him or not, he had never lied to me so I decided to forgive him, "and then" I interrupted him, I kissed him, then we started to make out, he started to unzip my dress, then we heard the door open.

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