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It was Tamera's first HU concert. She was helping Kelly, Brian and Ryan with everything as the San Diego concert started. There was a huge audience, and I was a bit hyped up over it since I got to perform for all of them. Plus, I could embarrass Tammy with my idea.

Everyone had a buzz, except for FunnyMan who was high off weed and drunk. I carried my guitar across the stage toward the microphone. I could hardly speak into it because of the shouts and screams from the crowd. Instead of getting interrupted again, I fixed my mask and my red flannel that I wore.

"We got a new manager, and I'd like to introduce her to you guys. This is Tammy!" I exclaimed into the mic as Kelly pushed her onto stage. She walked over shyly.

I awkwardly put my arm around her, pulling her close to me. The crowd cheered. Tamera blushed.

"Hi." She said into the mic, leaning over on me towards it.

"So, Tamera manages for us, but I've heard her sing before.. And I really like it." I say. Tam blushes even more, her eyes widening as she examined me. I looked down at her, "Im going to make you sing Black Dahlia."

Tammy shook her head, and I nodded slowly. The others talked into their microphones, soothing her and egging her on. She walked over and took Dylan's microphone, since he doesn't sing in Black Dahlia. Danny took the mic from his mouth as he watched.

The instrumental for Black Dahlia started to play quietly, and started to build. Johnny started to sing. Tamera looked at me as she tapped her foot, waiting for the chorus. It then came.

"And I, lost it all, fell today, it's all the same. I'm sorry, oh, I'm sorry no.." She sang, her sweet voice filling the auditorium, "And I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you.. I'm sorry oh, I'm sorry no.."

"I wish I could've quit you, I wish I never missed you, and told you that I loved you every time I f*cked you.." I continued to sing my part, and I walked up to The microphone stand where Tamera stood and put my mic on it. I pulled my sleeves up, "pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!"

The song went on, and I got closer to Tamera. We finished the song, the next song was No Other Place. I started doing a jig in front of Tamera, and she laughed her butt off. Before she could turn and walk away I grabbed her from behind, embracing her as I swung side to side. She buried her face into my arms as we swung.

"What if I kissed you?" I ask her, pressing the side of my face against hers, the mask digging into my cheek a bit.

She laughed, "You're drunk."

"So?" I say, pressing my body against hers.

"You're not thinking righ-"

I kissed her, in front of the whole crowd, the managers, my friends. I bet the fangirls were jealous, but the audience roared. The best thing was is that she kissed back.

Short chapter. I hope you liked it though.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now