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~Charlie Scene~

"Oh sh*t nice!" I stood up pumping my fist in the air. The others looked at me like I was a child. I love Universal Studios, it was my Disney Land. I've been there a couple times before, but with everyone in a good mood, it was worth it again.

"We are doing this for Tammy, though. It's her birthday today and She's really wanted to go to Universal for it." Jorel smirked, sitting down and crossing his arms as if accomplishing something.

Well, basically he did.

"Wow, you're so cool." Dylan said deeply, using his retard voice.

"So, my idea is," Jorel sat up from leaning in his chair, throwing tickets on the repaired coffee table from the fight with DeuceBag. "we leave these here, and we hid around the studio and surprise her."

"I'll call her!" Kurlzz beamed, digging through his pockets.

"Whatever." George says. Matthew takes his phone out and calls her.


"SHE'S HERE!!" Danny exclaimed, diving behind the couch.

Everyone scattered to hiding places as if they were ants. George turned around and totally stampeded me over. I bashed my head against the coffee table, and all I could do is crawl under the piano. The door opened, shining light through to the dark room.

"Hello?" Tamera walked in, slightly oblivious.

I felt my head as it throbbed from the hit. The lights flicked on. No one budged. She walked to the couches and gasped, picking up a Universal Studios ticket. I popped up with the others.

"Surprise!" We all shouted, "happy birthday!"

Tamera threw her head back, laughing. George walked over to me and embraced me, "Im sorry for totally mashing you like potatoes."

"It's fine.." I say, and Tamera hugs me after Johnny pulls away. I hug her back lovingly.

Tammy wore a white Hollywood Undead T-Shirt that I gave to her when she first started managing, and wore grey pants with Supra high-tops.

"I can't help but give you one more present." I say, grabbing one of my DEAD hats and putting it on her head. Her smile was big.


I wasn't thinking that my birthday was going to be this amazing. I thought the guys would just be like, "Oh, happy birthday to you.. You're amazing." But it turned out to be "Surprise! We are going to Universal Studios!"

Not what I was thinking at all.

They made us ride in a limo there, and I decided to stick my head out of the sun roof. Jorel jammed in beside me and smiled. His cologne cleared my nostrils and smelt really good. He didn't smell like cigarette smoke, since he doesn't like it, nor did he smell like alcohol (surprisingly).

We drove down the road next to the Walk of Fame, and I stared at the sidewalk and the people who looked at it, "It's prettier at night," Jorel says, "you can see the lights light up, the smog basically disappears into the darkness."

J waves his hands around, and I giggle, "You're so funny."

"What?" He chuckles, saying with his husky voice, "I wasn't even trying to be. I was just telling you something."

"You act like I haven't been down here before." I can't help but laugh. He shrugs.

"Oh shut it."

I rest my arms on the roof of the limo, examining the old signs that would light up brightly at night. The smog was like a giant gloomy cloud that hovered over Los Angeles almost everyday, and the trash would find it's way to gutters on the street.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now