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Jorel decided that I needed to have company after the whole Alex incident, so he made me stay at his house. He didn't even ask, he just stood up and said, "You're staying at my house."

So, I woke up in his bed. I was so traumatized I made him sleep with me. Jorel's arm was flung over me limply while he was next to me laying on his stomach. His face was turned the other way, so I didn't know if he was awake or not.

"Jorel?" I whisper, no answer.

"Jorel..?" I whisper in a song-song voice.

J-Dog's arm flew up off me. Then he felt my face as if he didn't know what was laying beside him. "Tam?"

Tam. Tammy. Tamera. Those were my names. This is what happens when you decide to manage the Hollywood Undead band. You get a nickname. The other managers had some as well.

"Yes it's-" He gently pressed his hand Against my lips, which sort of hurt because of my split lip, I had to tell him while I was muffled, "-Jorel, it's me."

Jorel let out a sigh of relief, taking his soft tatted hand off my face. But he just pulled me closer after turning and hugging me.

"No ones going to hurt you, again. I won't let that happen. If they try, them bitches are in for an ass kickin' from Jorel." Jorel stated. I giggled, and Jorel smiled.

I examined all of his tattoos quietly, and tattooed cuts were on his wrist. What were these here for? Was it to cover the cuts? We're all of these tattoos for coverage? There was only one way to find out; through Jorel.

"Jorel?" I say quietly, and I softly trace my finger across his arm.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"What are the tattooed cuts for?" I whisper.

Silence. Jorel took a deep breath, as if he never knew this was going to happen, "Do you really want to know Tamera?" This was very obvious now. His voice was shaking like a unsteady boat on waves, "Tammy, you see.. I used to cut myself."

"Why would you do that?" I ask, leading my hand up to his biceps. I couldn't help myself.

"I thought it took the pain away for awhile.. But, then I looked at myself in the mirror, and said, 'You're making everything worse. This doesn't drain the goddamn pain away, it just makes it more painful.' "

I looked at him, and he took my hand, rubbing it across his whole arm. I could've shuddered by the way he was doing it.

"These cut tattoos, including all the others are hiding the scars that are on my forearm. So I can move on, and be merry with myself." His voice was still shaking, and Jorel pressed his body against mine. He quoted, " 'Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts.' "

I saw a small scar that wasn't covered, and I softly touched it. He used to be a mess, but I love how he fixed himself. I gently pressed my lips against the scar, "You're to beautiful to be doing this, Jorel."


"Your personality. You have a beautiful one." I say.


I ran down the stairs quickly from the bathroom, looking around for my wallet. Why did it strike me all of the sudden? I have no idea. Tamera had on her jeans from yesterday and one of my Misfits shirts. She stared at me and giggled as I ran around looking for it.

"What are you doing?" She buried her face in her hands, giggling.

"Wallet." I say, walking passed her.

"You're in your boxers." She burst out laughing, and I look down. I was too busy thinking about my wallet while I was dressing, I forgot to put all of my clothes on.

I walked over, and I stepped on Tiger's tail on accident, I jumped up, almost yelling as he ran away, "Sorry bud!"

My face was warm from blushing.

"I'll find your wallet, you get your pants on and shirt." Tammy giggled, walking off.

We were late for the studio. Everyone was supposed to meet there around 12, and the time was 12:30. I dashed up the stairs, got my clothes on and my DEAD cap on just to find myself run down the stairs once again.

Tamera stood in the middle of the living room, holding Tiger and my wallet. I calmly walked over.

"I'm buying you dinner." I point a finger in her face, smiling, then taking the wallet.

"You don't have to really." She smiled.

"But I am."

"Wait," she scratched Toger behind the ear. "you're asking me out on a date, aren't you?"

"Well, aren't you smart." I smile at her, and she blushes a bit.

"We better get going. The others are waiting on us."

Tammy drops the cat and follows me out the door to the car. We get in and start it up.


Managing is probably the most exciting thing you could do, especially with the Undead crew. In the middle of singing and writing songs, or even in their singing voice they would crack jokes.

I got to meet the other managers, which were Ryan, Kelly, and Brian. They were an amazing group. They all had tatted arms and acted like the members of HU.

Kelly was a very laid back guy. He was always calm about things, kind, and funny. He had bleach blonde hair that was gelled into a faux hawk. He had blue eyes. Kelly had earrings that were black, and tattoos that consisted of bands and music notes, stars and animals.

Ryan had black hair, and hazel eyes. He had a neck tattoo that said "hope", and other tattoos on his arms. He was the clown of the group, very funny, but hard working at the same time.

Brian was very quiet and a nerd. He only had one tattoo, which I couldn't even make out. He had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and wore black need glasses. He was pretty cool, but that was mostly because he was quiet, or he just said smart things.

After practicing songs and writing (you could call it a rehearsal), we all sat down and played a game of life. Why they had life? I don't know, but it was very fun. We cracked jokes and laughed, we visited, talked about good news and bad. It was a wonderful day.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now