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Thank you to Creepy-Candy for the idea!


"Hey, we're all going to the beach today. You should come." Johnny said through the phone.

"Um.. I don't kn-"

"You're coming." He chuckled, a yowl came from the background.

"You must come!" Kurlzz exclaimed in the background, his raspy voice made it known that it was him.

"Yeah. See?" Johnny asked softly, "Everyone's coming."

"Uh-" George hung up. Great.

I looked around as I pulled my hair into a messy bun, grabbed a long purple striped tank top and shorts to wear over my swim suit. I took my Danny Rose signature sunglasses and put them on top of my head. I put some flip flops on that I never wear, grabbed a towel and walked out of my room.

I sat the towel on the couch, and walked into the kitchen.


I jumped, almost falling over, "HOLY SH*T!"

His slow, deep laugh filled and echoed through the kitchen, "Im sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"Dylan, that's not cool. What if my boyfriend was here? He wouldn't know who you are. He'd-"

"I'd beat his ass if he tried." Jorel walks into the room from the hall. The Toilet was flushing in the bathroom. He crossed his large arms. They made me get a chill. They were perfect.. And his tattoos made it even more better. I wanted to touch them.

Matthew ran out of the living room from the kitchen, "We'd all kick his ass!.. No-no offense."

"Johnny and the others are waiting in the car. Let's go." Jorel said all serious, walking to the door. I couldn't stop staring at his arms.

"So wait, we are all cramming in a stupid car?" I follow them, quickly grabbing my towel off the couch.

"Yeah. We kinda forgot to bring another car. We don't want you to take a car.." Dylan says, walking down the front door steps.

"What's wrong with mine?"

Dylan opened the door with Danny sitting by the other window and Jorel sitting next to him, "Just squish in."

I scooted in right next to Jorel. Dylan fit in and squished me up against Jorel after he closed the door. J-Dog looked so irritated, and didn't want to be touch it seemed. Our cheeks touched at one point, which was really embarrassing.

"Sorry." I say, blushing and looking away. He did the same.

So awkward.

George was a nightmare at driving. It would've been fine if there wasn't 7 people smashed in the car, and If Jorel didn't act like such a quiet grump. Maybe he didn't want to go to the beach?

George turned a sharp corner, having Dylan press against the window and i slid, almost forcefully laying on him while Jorel lay on me. Daniel tried sitting up right, pushing J-Dog even closer to me. I saw J blush as he looked at me, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. It was very weird sitting by and getting crushed by famous band members.

Everyone sat up in seconds after the turn. We sat there as Johnny laughed his butt off. Charlie and Matty laughed with him.

"Ha-ha.. Very funny." Jorel rolled his eyes.

Johnny parks in a spot near the beach, pushing a button to pop the trunk. Every one piled out of the car quickly. I was the last one out. George too some beach supplies out of the trunk while the others ran to the beach. I walked over to him.

"Need help?" I ask. He picks some bags up.

"I'll just get one of the dumb-F*cks to help. You just go find a spot on the beach for us." George says.

"Okay.." I take my towel, take my flip flops off and walk into the hot soft sand. It was too hot. I started running towards a spot near the shore, then put my towel out to sit on. Ouch..


She was beautiful. I focused on her as I carried a small bag of towels over to her. It was depressing on how she had a boyfriend. I put a beach towel down and sat beside her.

She looked out at the water as the waves crashed and the seagulls cried. The guys ran into the water with two boogie boards and jumped over the waves. Tamera's phone buzzed, I quickly looked down at it. It was Alex.

"Where are you???!" It read. She snatched it up quickly and looked at it, but didn't reply. Tamera sat it on the other side of her.

I had a bad feeling about Alex. I don't think Tamera was too good for him..

"So.." I made Tamera jump, even though she new I was there.

"What are we doing after this?" She looks over at me.

"I don't know.. We could walk around LA." I say, looking at her.

She smiles, and I stand, getting an idea. I scoop her up and carry her to the water bridal style with a smirk across my face.

"Hey! Let go!" She giggles, squirming around.

I wade into the water with her in my arms, and once it gets knee-deep a large wave comes. She freaks out, and it hits us hard. I almost fall over, and I shriek a bit. I heard a gurgle and a cough come from Tammy, but afterward she laughed pretty hard. I couldn't help but laugh either.

We walk down a street in LA as the sun went down. Everyone laughed and was all smiles. We just got done buying nachos and such from a snack bar. Tammy walked beside me, and the others followed behind.

"This is the most fun I've had since.. Since forever!" Tamera giggles, looking over at everyone.

"Everything gets fun and exciting with us!" FunnyMan exclaims.

Tamera laughs, and runs into someone, and she backs up, looking up at the guy.


"What are you doing with these guys?" Alex glares at us, "Why didn't you answer my phone calls or texts?! Are you doing something with them?"

"I was working. I'm their new manager, remember? How many times do I have to tell you."

Alex grabs her arm real tight. Tamera winces, "Then what are you doing now?"

"I.. uh.." Tamera starts.

"Exactly. Now, how about we go home?" Alex says.

"Listen, I'm sorry to get in your business, but why are you so.. Protective over her? Didn't you just start dating?"

"None of your business, asshole." He hisses. I glare.

I had a bad feeling over this. This guy was someone Tamera shouldn't be around.

"Call him an asshole again, and you're gonna get your ass handed to you." Johnny growled, walking over and towering over him.

"We're gonna go now, and I don't want to see any of you f*ckers." Alex pulled Tamera away, and she waved.

"Guys.. I have a really bad feeling about this.. We should follow them home.." I say, turning to the guys. They looked worried too.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora