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Last chapter, all! Hope you enjoy. I'm not really sure where the second book would go, so I'm planning on not making one, Im still debating. I'll make a different book though! ❤️🎭


Rain ran down the sidewalk before me. I jogged behind him in a tank top and shorts. It was a nice day to go out for a jog/run with him. Tamera was at home, making lunch for us two.

Rain was like a horse as he pranced down the walk. His tags jingled on his collar and he panted loudly. His long tongue hung out of his mouth and slightly flapped as he ran.

The sky was awfully clear. There was no smog or clouds in the sky, nor was the sun blocked from shining down on the beautiful world. The smell was very moist and salty from the ocean and the rain from yesterday.

I turned the corner, basically following Rain. His black fur shined in the sun, making me wonder if he was hot. It would suck to have black fur. Especially when you were running around. His ears perked up as I whistled quickly for him to stop. He came to a halt, and I stopped at the stoplight. Rain panted, and I tried my best to catch my breath.

The light continued to show the red lighted hand that indicated you to stop. Cars and trucks drove by quickly and carelessly.

"Stay." I breathe, patting Rain on the back. He sat still, wagging his large tail.

But he didn't stay. He zoomed across the street, and honestly, I had no idea what to do. My heart pounded, and a car drove passed him, blocking my view of Rain. I tried to jump up to catch a glimpse of him, but I couldn't. The white walking sign popped up and I quickly ran across the street.

A black car quickly swerved to the side before I could run into the street. It parked, and a guy in a suit climbed out of the car in a panic. I ran to rain, who lay in the middle of the road.

"Sh*t!" I tugged at my sweaty hair, and gently lifted Rain off the warm street. I walked across the street and lay him in the grass.

He wined a bit as he tried to move his left paw. He would be fine, but it would take forever to heal. We would have to take him to a pet hospital just to get checked. The man in the suit slowly walked over, shoving his hands in his pockets like some nervous tick.

"I am so sorry. I can pay for the vet bills and everything he needs done on him." He scratched the back of his neck. The man had a small voice.

"You're glad that he's not dead," I snap, turning to him, "or your ass would be grass."

The man's eyes widened, and he slightly flinched. He was like a twig, so small and frail. "Let's get him to the veterinarian, sound good?"

I picked the heavy dog up, following the stranger to his car. I was pissed at him, so I decided to sit in the back with Rain. He said nothing as he drove, so I decided to call Tamera.


"Rain got ran over. I'm going to the animal hospital, so if I'm late for lunch that's where I'll be." I say, looking out the window as I stroked Rain's dark fur.

"Is he okay?!"

"Yeah, I bet he will be fine, love."

We said our goodbyes, and Soon we got to the hospital. I grabbed Rain carefully, and the guy walked over.

"Touch my f*cking dog, and you're going to end up in a worse condition than he's in." I growl, walking through the automatic doors.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now