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Hello Undead Lovelies! So, I won't be updating my other books until I finish this book. I hope you enjoy this book! I'm running out of ideas, so please.. Message me! I know how to end the story, but that's like 11 chapters away. I just need ideas.

~Charlie Scene~

The whole bar was a blur. I had no idea who I was sitting by, but I know that to my right George was sitting next to me. When I turned to talk to him, his seat was empty.

I was totally drunk. So drunk, that I was more than hammered or "sh*t-faced". I swung slowly side to side on my bar stool, giggling slightly to myself. I was borderline retarded.

"Are you seriously that drunk?" A female voice came from the left side of me, so I turned to face whoever was there. Just a blur. I could sort of make out her face, her long dark hair.

"What drunk?" I slurred out, grinning like a madman. The girl scoffed.

"You're hammered."

"Am not."

"You're acting like a child."


"Typical Charlie Scene." The girl turned, facing the bar, slightly shaking her head. Since the lady has gotten here, I decided not to drink so I could sober up a bit.

"You know my name?!" I exclaimed, putting a hand on my chest.

"No dee, Dumb ass," she said in a "duh" voice, "I noticed you right when I walked into the place. I'm a fan, actually."

George started making his way over, then sat next to me. It was quiet for a couple minutes. I watched as he took a chug of his beer. I giggled nonchalantly. Even though I was still feeling as drunk as I was, my vision cleared and I turned to the woman.

"So why are you at this terrible bar?" I say, poking her nose.

The girl flinched as I did, then smacked my hand, "I have to ask you the same."

"Well, my dad just died, so.. A bar is a bar.." I say, not even feeling the slight pain of the thought of my father. It's what beer does to you right? It's a depressant.

The girl stared at me with complete shock, "Oh god.. I'm sorry."

"It's okay.."

I could feel George staring into my soul. I spun around, "Yes, Johnny?"

"We should be getting home." He said soberly. This made me sigh.

I told him that I haven't even finished the drink I was on, but he just completely ignored the comment. He had only had one beer while we've been here, and I've had like, what? 50?

"But I just met this beautiful girl," I whine, pointing at the girl next to me, "to be honest, she kinda turns me on."

"You don't even know me, jack wagon."

"Yes I do, your name is Sydney." I cock my head to the side, looking at her.

"What the hell? No it's not," she squinted her eyes giving me a dumb look, "it's Edith."

George face-palmed, making me laugh with my minor accident. The girl named Edith was now shaking her head, a smile on her face.

Her eyes were an icy blue with spots of violet in them. I wasn't sure if she was wearing contacts or not, but they were beautiful. While I stared at her, George knocked my beer bottle over, making it flood onto the table. I shrieked as it crawled over the side of the table, spilling down into my lap.

"George Ragan!" I squealed, taking a handful of napkins and soaking the bubbly substance up. He just laughed, which could be heard from a mile away from how loud and boomy it was.

My pants started to absorb it in, which I couldn't do anything about. I looked like a 28 year-old that peed their pants now.

"Let's go--"

"Okay! Give me a second, you bastard!" I snapped, turning to Edith. She blushed and giggled lightly.

"Is it okay if I have you're number beautiful?" I winked, and she rolled her eyes.


Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now