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1 year later


I felt myself smashed against Jorel's body. Something heavy lay on my legs and was pressing against me. Tiger was curled up on J's chest as I opened my eyes, and Jorel was sleeping with a smile on his face.

My legs were tangled in the sheets and of course, I couldn't move them. I turned to see what was anchoring them down. Rain. He was pretty big, and thought he was a lapdog. Jorel loved the sh*t out of him, which is how he became such a love bug. I groaned to see if he'd move, but he stayed put. I tried to wiggle my feet to see if he would jump of the bed. Nothing happened, all he did was lift his head up and grunt. J yawned before his eyes fluttered open. Tiger mewed and stood up, stretching. Jorel gently scratched him behind the ear.

"We need to get Rain a dog bed," I announce, "he's too big to fit on the bed with us."

J-Dog pulled me closer as he stared at the ceiling. He exhaled while shrugging, "I.. I think it's pretty nice. He keeps you close to me."

I looked up at him, smiling. Soon he turned his attention to me. Tiger decided to slowly make his way over to my face, sniffing my forehead. Jorel softly pushed him out of the way so that he could see my face.

"You know I can always be close to you even if he's off the bed." I giggle.

Jorel shrugged once again, raising his eyebrows, "That's true.."

Tiger tried to get in my face again, his bright green eyes staring at my face. He purred and meowed, then Jorel took him, gently dropping him off the bed. The stripped cat decided to walk out of the room. He gave up. Then J nudged Rain, "Get off dude."

Rain accepted the command more like a "come here, let me love you!", so he stood up wagging his tail crazily. The dog pranced in the same area of the bed before taking his massive paw and stepping on my stomach. I groaned, as he trampled me, then he started to walk all over Jorel as if he was a piece of terrain. This was the only time he's never listened. Sometimes he was an idiot.

"What the he--" Rain licked Jorel's face, then flopped carelessly across both us. "Rain, off the damn bed! I didn't say come here."

Rain obeyed finally, hopping off the bed and basically peeling out on me. I grunted as the 150 pound black lab-Shepard bounced off me like a trampoline. Jorel wiped his face with his arm, sitting up from the bed. He peered down at me, "You okay?"

"As long as my eternal organs haven't exploded.." I groan, rolling over smothering myself in a pillow.

I felt a hand touch my back gently. Jorel chuckled, "You wanna go to the hospital to get it checked out?"

This made me giggle, "Tell them that our 1 year-old dog trampled me.. They'd accept that, totally."

We both laughed for a few seconds, before he turned me over to face him. His bright chocolate brown eyes stared into my eyes.

"Tameera?" The sub pronounced my name as, and I sighed, putting my head on the desk.

"It's Tamera, Sir." A husky voice called out politely, and I turned my head to the voice.

A guy about my age with shaggy dark brunette hair sat in the back with all his friends like he always did. The boy didn't really fit in with his group of friends with his "Emo haircut", and his dark clothing. The guy's smile was plastered to his face as the substitute nodded and continued to call out names.


One with curly hair nudged him before chuckling. The others continued to converse with him. It was interesting to see him that happy. J was never happy it seemed, but it all started when his brother--

"Joe--rl.. Joerl Decker?" The sub looked off from his sheet, then scanned the room. Jorel raised his hand up.

"It's Jorel, sir." Jorel corrected.

Jorel was a sweet guy. I've went to school with him and his friends since pre-school. I wish I could get to know him more before we graduate. Maybe even become friends?


I know she didn't see me in the way I saw her. The guys told me it was worth a shot, but I was too chicken to ask her out. Maybe it would be better if we were just friends. It would be unsafe to go out with her, and maybe something would happen between us. Then we may not be friends anymore.

The bell rang, and I saw her father her stuff and slowly walk out of the classroom. Quickly, I shoved everything in my bag, slung it over my shoulder and walked after her. George and the others new not to follow. They knew exactly--

"Hey, J. What's up?" She was at her locker, and she saw me walk up to her.

"Nothing. I-I just wanted to talk to you." I stutter. It was like I couldn't talk right. Her eyes shifted up to look up at me.

I looked like a mess. I mean, I smelt pretty good, I was clean.. It was just my outfit. It looked like I was living on the dirty and dark streets of LA. It made me blush just thinking of it.

My insecurity drowned me in that moment. Tamera wasn't going to say yes.

"Yeah?" She smiled, hugging her binder to her chest.

"I just think--" I looked down at the ground after brushing my hair out of my face, "we should hang out more."

"Yeah! That sounds great." Tamera smiles.

I just basically made everything worse.

Boring chapter, but this is what came to mind! I hope you enjoyed it even though it's boring. Stay Undead lovelies!

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now