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It was wet and chilly outside. The black clouds covered the sky as I made my way down my front steps. It made the day seem gloomy and dark, as if you would have to stay cooped up in your house and watch movies all day. It wasn't a bad idea, to be honest.

I decided to walk to the studio today, because exercise wouldn't hurt me. There was an earthy smell, like it was about to rain. Right then, a rain drop hit my arm as I walked down the sidewalk. Minutes passed, and it started to sprinkle.

Being the dumb ass I was, I forgot my hoodie that was on the arm of my couch. It was too late to turn back to run back and grab it. I was probably blocks away from the studio already. The sidewalk was dotted with the drops when they hit the walk. My pace quickened.

Tamera was probably at the studio already, and I told her that I would be there first. I left early so that I could get there on time. Hopefully the rain doesn't slow me down.

Soon, thick rain droplets pelted me. In the matter of seconds, I was soaked head to toe. I probably looked like some idiot walking in the cold rain with a muscle tank top on. They probably looked at me and said, "Oh, hey! Look at this moron out in the rain. Must be showing off his muscles or something!" Human logic.

The world was filled with some bizarre people. There were people that were normal, to people who dyed their hair abnormal colors and wore the weirdest clothing. There were people like Jeffree Star; even beyond that.

The street gutters were already overflowing with water. It slowly ran downhill following the curbs.

I walked across the street, making sure not to get my new Nike shoes wet. J-walking. The closest cross-walk was like a block down, and I needed to turn right here. Once I saw a car coming my way, I started jogging across the street. Not watching my steps, my foot went ankle deep in a pothole filled with water.

"Sh*t!" I cursed to myself. I shook my leg as I hopped across to the sidewalk.

It felt uncomfortable to have only one foot wet. Also because the shoes were ruined before my eyes. I cursed a bit more afterward, then started down the walk casually again.

I was blocks away from the studio now. The birds didn't chirp, and I didn't hear a dog bark in the distance. Not even an alley cat dug in the dumpster scavenging for food. There were a bunch of alley ways down this way. Dumpsters and garbages over flown with trash bags or other disposed things. A raggedy couch sat next to a dumpster. Then I heard a small whine.

I backed up to stare down the alleyway. There was nothing except for the couch and garbage. Then a black object trotted towards me. After focusing on it, I found it peering up at me with its big soft brown eyes.

My heart almost melted. It was some kind or black lab Shepard mix. He was adorable. The pup shivered vigorously from the cool air. I picked him up. There was not a collar on him, not even a sign that he belonged to anyone. I cuddled him close.

"Let's get you to my studio." I murmur, walking down the walk. I could already see the studio from here.


I was bored. None of the guys have shown up, so I was in the studio by myself. My eyes were set on the piano.

It was complicated to turn on the electric piano, especially when you didn't know what button did which. The keys were a different story, I knew what each key stood for.

The piano was easy to play. It was one of the first instruments that I learned to play. After that, I tried playing the percussion, then tried guitar. I mostly stuck with the drums and piano.

I tapped a key, and a melodic sound sprang from the speaker. Then, looking of the sheet of music paper, I began to play.

The door flung open, and a soaked Jorel came in quickly. His clothes and hair dripped from the rain, and he held something carefully in his hands.

A puppy.

I ran over to him, and a smile shot across my face, "Oh my goodness! Look at how cute you are!!"

"I found him abandoned by an alleyway," J said, "I already gave him a name."

I took the little puppy out of his arms, walking towards the bathroom to grab a towel and dry him off. I wrapped the cute black dog in it and smiled. Jorel walked over to the door way with his shirt off. His abs shown, and I felt myself blush.


"What's his name?" I ask excitedly, gently drying the pup.

"Rain." Jorel smiles.

The name was perfect. J-Dog found him in the rain. I saw him scrawl on one of his papers for song writing.

It was titled "Rain".

Jorel had one of the softest hearts ever. So soft it made mine melt.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now