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Everyone was in love with Rain when they came to the studio. Charlie was the one that kept cuddling the puppy since he was a total dog lover, and he had a husky at home. It was funny watching him talk to him in a coaxing voice. "Well aren't you adorable-- Yes, aren't you just the cutest little thing I ever saw!"

Rain was loving the attention. It looked like he was practically smiling as Jordon scratched his back. Everyone took turns picking him up and showing him affection.

Tammy came and sat on my lap. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

"We should go to Pet Smart and get him food and a collar and stuff!" Charlie exclaimed, popping up from the couch.

"We don't have a leash for him though. He can't come in with us." I say.

"I'll hold him until we get a collar and leash. I bet they'll be fine with that."

Tamera jumped up and I went to pick Rain up. Jordon beat me to it. Everyone stood up and all filed out of the door. Luckily, we weren't going to cram into just one car. We were taking 2 cars. Tamera, Charlie, Johnny and I were in my car, and Dylan, Matthew, and Danny were in Matthew's car. Charlie held onto Rain, and I started the car.

Matty pulled up beside me, rolling down the windows. Dylan flipped us off on the passenger side. I rolled my window down, and Matt said, "See you at Pet-f*cking-Smart, bitches!"

Matthew slammed on the gas and drove off ahead of us. I followed behind him, going the speed limit. Da Kurlzz slowed, and I found myself driving behind him in seconds. I followed him since he knew where he was going. Tamera was sitting in the passenger seat while Charlie and Johnny sat in the back.

The traffic was crazy. It's never been crazy like this before in forever. I didn't loose Kurlzz thankfully, I stayed right behind him the whole time. No car or truck cut me off and went in front of me. I glanced at Tamera as we waited in some traffic. She smiled at me, and I turned the music up. Incubus was playing, "The Warmth".

I caught her mouthing the lyrics. I watched her contently, smiling cheerfully. It was adorable. I didn't know a lot about Incubus, but this song has been around for years. So why not song?

"So don't let the world
Bring you down,

Not everyone here
Is that f*cked up
And cold!

Remember why you
Came and while you're
Alive; experience the
Warmth before you
Grow old.."

We both sang loudly, enjoying ourselves, also slightly doing it to annoy the crap out of the others. They all groaned, making us sing louder.

Finally, we pulled into the Pet Smart parking lot. Only a few cars were parked in front of it. A lady who worked there sat outside next to a corral of puppies, reading a small book. She was about 15 years old, and all I could see was her blonde hair. I parked next to Kurlzz, and we all piled out of both cars at the same time. Hopefully no fans were here.

We all walked toward the entrance, getting the high schooler's attention. She read "the Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. The girl watched us walk toward the entrance, closed her book, and stood up. My muscles tensed as I watched her quickly get her phone out.

"You're Hollywood Undead! Oh my god!" She squealed, slowly approaching us.

"That's us." Johnny said, smiling.

The girl wasn't like any fangirl I ran into. She was shy, and more polite. "Can I.."

"Yeah, come here-- get your ass over here!" Dylan chuckled, waving her over. He said it in a rather nice way somehow.

Her smile practically covered her whole face. She skipped over and held her phone out, showing her and all of us on the screen. Selfie mode. Everyone smiled quickly, and she snapped a picture. After she was done, she turned to us.

"You guys are amazing. You helped me through depression-- I honestly have no idea what I'd do without you guys."

Danny pulled her into a hug quickly. All of us smiled at him, "We're glad to help." Danny says, smiling gleefully.

The girl hugged back, smiling so much. Tamera walked over to me and took my hand, and I looked down at her. We went into the pet store, walking around looking for Dog supplies. We found the coolest collar ever that had 100 dollar bills for the print. I took it, made sure it fit Rain and took a blood red leash.

We walked around more. I had no idea where Charlie went with the puppy, nor did I know where the others were. They must've been goofing off and messing around with the ferrets or something.

I was right. FunnyMan and Da Kurlzz were around the ferrets, laughing their ass off. An albino one swung from a rope, trying its best to get out of the cage. They both swung their bodies around in laughter, and Kurlzz fell to the floor.

I walked up to them, "Are we almost done here?"

They both shrugged as they stood their breathless. The bambino ferret was now off the rope and running around the exhibit, chasing after another ferret. Kurlzz got off the floor. Charlie came strutting around the corner with Johnny behind him carrying a red boaster full of dog accessories and supplies. Jordon held Rain in his hands as he came over. Just the way he walked over he looked like some gay guy.


"Charlie." He corrected in a feminine voice. He broke into laughter soon after.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Are we done here?"

Everyone nodded, and we headed to check out.

Boring chapter, I'm sorry. Did you like it at least?! I hope so! :)

Stay lovely Undead Lovelies! ❤️

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now